[an error occurred while processing this directive] [an error occurred while processing this directive] Cases Ladder Standings
A few days before Christmas in 2003, an old War2 player and friend of mine emailed me several .html files from the old Warcraft 2 ladder. I always thought it would be interesting to see some of the old standings, and I really didn't think anyone had any of these pages saved. I guess Christmas came early for me this year. Unfortunately none of these dates have my win streak of 75 in them, but I will add a few comments here and there.

My 75 game win streak falls in between this first and second link below, so I don't have a saved ladder during that time. There are almost 1500 ranked players in March of 1997 but it drops to under a 1000 in December of 1997. I remember being ranked in the 1700s when I got my first ladder win.

If anyone happens to have any other old standings like this, even from The Zone or Heat leagues, I'd love to get my hands on them.

Singles Ladder Standings

March 1997 - Lots of old names to see on this one. At rank 1429 there is a guy named 'axlotl'. I'm pretty sure I had the name Axolotl first and that guy there stole it.

December 17th 1997 - MISS DEATH and friends had the accounts for ranks 2, 3 and 4 at the time that I was rank 5. They would always dodge me, so after beating the rank 1 player I removed myself from the ladder as there was no longer much point to it. After that I got into the team ladder more. The Avatar at rank 36 is the person who finally made my cases record go from 75-0 to 75-1. I lost to him on Fierce Ocean Combat Low.

January 4th 1998

February 6th 1998 - Two IN members and Candyman in the top 10.

March 24th 1998 - Sandstorm and Aias have both been allies of mine.

May 5th 1998

May 12th 1998

June 12th 1998

June 15th 1998

June 19th 1998

June 20th 1998

June 21st 1998

June 25th 1998

July 25th 1998 - Azteca takes number one at 83%

August 5th 1998

August 8th 1998

August 12th 1998

August 14th 1998

August 17th 1998

August 20th 1998

August 24th 1998

August 31st 1998

September 8th 1998

September 12th 1998

September 20th 1998

September 26th 1998

September 27th 1998

October 3rd 1998 - My brother ranked 54 (Aguro)

October 12th 1998

October 22nd 1998 - Archangel at number 1

November 10th 1998 - A name I used for fun after my big winning streak. Here it is at rank 49 (17-0).

November 21st 1998 - My brother and I one rank apart at 59 and 60.

November 27th 1998

January 3rd 1999

January 21st 1999

January 30th 1999

February 12th 1999

February 19th 1999

February 24th 1999 - My brother at rank 92 shows a high rank of 29.

February 26th 1999

March 7th 1999

March 17th 1999

March 19th 1999 - Kith at rank 5 with my old email address. I don't remember that.

April 2nd 1999 - Ywfn at number 1

April 10th 1999

April 12th 1999

April 18th 1999

April 24th 1999

May 1st 1999

May 2nd 1999

May 10th 1999 - My brother Dryad ranked 92. Our own personal forum moderator takes over the number 1 spot again.

May 15th 1999

May 19th 1999

May 22nd 1999

June 3rd 1999

June 27th 1999 - Kith-kanin rank 16 at 27-1.

July 23rd 1999 - Kith decides to start losing games :P

July 24th 1999

Team Ladder Standings and Individual Teams

September 11th 1997 - Check out how many teams there on here. The ladder was so awesome during this period. The strap-on peons (#91) had the best team page any ladder has ever seen.

Unknown - This is from late 1997 or early 1998. My team is rank 5 and the name was to make fun of the other /(illaz teams that were around at the time. I ended up 33-5 on this team. The hehehe clan (now known as clan 24-7) is rank 29 and were making their strides into the elite players.

January 10th 1999 - Near the end of Cases Ladder's life.

Team FWL

Team [O]rion II - 5/6ths of the way down there are 2 games played against Dark Tangent when my good buddies Kith-Kanin and Pestilence were on that team. Just below that is a game against Tides of Darkness (Pestilence and ~Mage;.~), another one of my old teams. Mage is the fellow that made book'em for kali.

Team Dark Tangent

Team 24-7

Team 420

Team Killa Weasels

-Special thanks to Candyman
-Thanks to Viperblade for many of the team pages as well

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