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Advise me
2 rax lvl 5
whats a heavy 2 rax lvl 5(16-20 grunts) rush that doesn't put you completly out of the game?
Sat Jun 29, 2002 8:46 pm |
Joined: 23 Sep 2000
Posts: 3143
My 9 strat gets around 14 Grunts by level 5 (smith first, so you are getting level 5 by the time they are getting level 4 and a half if they up straight). It beats most level 3 rushes to lust. _________________
Sat Jun 29, 2002 10:16 pm |

Joined: 30 Jan 2002
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Personally when I lvl 5 rush I like staying at 1 rax with a mill, and make my 2nd rax after I hit my last upgrade. But then again, I suck. =)
Sun Jun 30, 2002 1:09 pm |
Bobbo = Bobjo, period.
Mon Jul 01, 2002 10:43 am |
Advise me
I'm looking for that kind of rush for 2v2/3v3ish games. So far what you guys put down is more for 1v1's.
Mon Jul 01, 2002 12:57 pm |

Joined: 30 Jan 2002
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Well I do that same rush in team games too. The fact is, if you upgrade your grunts nonstop while making peons nonstop, the 2nd rax is kinda useless because you can only pump grunts outta 1 rax. So, this enables you to make a mill with that extra wood from staying at 1 rax, then once you got enough wood after going lvl 5 and making your mill you can make a 2nd rax. The main advantage of the 2rax is that you can rebuild your men faster after an attack, so I would reccomend not to attack but be the one who gets attacked. You CAN 2rax if you want to but I don't think it's too effective for a lvl 5 rush, more for a lvl 3 rush.
Mon Jul 01, 2002 2:48 pm |
Gateway 5000
bob sux
Dont listen to boboo he is an idiot. The strongest rush in the game is a p stop rush. you 2 or 3 rax hard lvl 5 lumber pull. The only dangers is a semi hard rush with a choke so you gotta get a tower or break a setup. Or theirs harder rushes where u dont stop peons if u will be doubled. and just get a setup then overcome them both.
Wed Aug 07, 2002 6:13 pm |
Joined: 19 Sep 2000
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what a ridiculous statement gateway ;\
a peon stop only works early game; a strong economy will destroy a peon stop rush if it doesnt kill the opponent right away.
Thu Aug 15, 2002 12:10 pm |
Soth you are a fucking idiot we are talking about rushes(THE THING YOU DO IN THE EARLY PART OF THE GAME).
Fri Aug 16, 2002 12:19 am |
Joined: 20 Feb 2002
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Originally posted by doofus
Soth you are a fucking idiot we are talking about rushes(THE THING YOU DO IN THE EARLY PART OF THE GAME).
no good players will do mass peon stop rushes that's idiotic, considering you can rush nearly just as well if you pump peons.
Thu Sep 12, 2002 12:04 pm |
Joined: 11 Jul 2001
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I hope he was talking about 9s or a neighbor war.
Otherwise you're relying on the slim fact that you'll outgrunt them by enough to break their choke or any defenses they have set up.
Or just the luck that you catch your opponent outside and you outgrunt them...
And since the initial question included... "that doesn't put you out of the game"
I think soth's point was extremely valid. If you've got a peon stopped economy at lust stage, gg.
Wed Oct 09, 2002 11:22 am |
Joined: 13 Dec 2001
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Originally posted by SuikodenTM
Originally posted by doofus
Soth you are a fucking idiot we are talking about rushes(THE THING YOU DO IN THE EARLY PART OF THE GAME).
no good players will do mass peon stop rushes that's idiotic, considering you can rush nearly just as well if you pump peons.
Suikoden you obviously aren't a good player if you think that no one does pstop rushes.
Sun Jul 27, 2003 1:19 pm |
Joined: 12 Dec 2001
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Yes suikoden isnt a good player. Keep arguing with "players in training" bob.
Wed Jul 30, 2003 4:44 pm |
Joined: 04 May 2003
Posts: 632
hes good!
Wed Jul 30, 2003 11:18 pm |

Joined: 23 Sep 2000
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no one seemed to ever really respond to your question, but heres my input:
if you plan to rush hard, at say 12/2 drop 2 raxes right away, its funny because i remember this strat getting raped on kali because no one had the economy to support 2 raxes, but nowadays people are much more efficient and pump peons much better so its viable. (although even with this strat, if 2 is clear you will have to go peons over grunts a little bit before you can pump both raxes), as with any level 5 2 rax rush, continuously scout your enemy. you dont wanna be caught 2 rax level 5ing vs a level 3choke with a cat or cannon, cause you will do nothing and just wasted alot of res on a pointless rush. (all situations vary, but this is usually the case). If your at say, 5 or 9, just go 1 rax till you find your enemy, if he's rushing, drop a second rax. I usually move 1 gold mining peon to wood when level 3 starts then continue on gold, (this helps for that early +100 wood for an extra farm, plus straight to level 5) then 3 peons to wood off gold when level 4 starts. then its up to you really, depending if you wanna tech faster or rush harder, if you wanna tech decently, and the rush doesn't look like its going to win the game (i.e, he's 2 rax level 5ing too and keeping up, then you keep scouting him so you don't fall behind in grunts and pull massive peons to wood(you shouldh ave 4-5 on wood already, drop a mill and put 5-6 more, then just wherever you feel you need the res) i dont use set peon orders, mayeb if someone out there who does can respond (bobmariey has a good 1 rax level 5 rush, which i think is better for 1on1s) i dunno about others, but i click my mine to see how im doing in the tech race.. usually a goodf ast lust/rush level 3 1 rax will be forting at around 35-40k left in mine (depends on your spot and how hard your mining, but this is usually the case), a 2 rax level 5, you should be forting with aroudn 30k or less left, depending on how hard you rushed. I've won 12/2 wars forting when my mine blew. (massive grunts is teh pwn, gg virus ) im not the greatest player but my 2 rax level 5 rush isn't bad. i hope this helps.. the most IMPORTANT thing when rushing at all is when you get your wood. i notice this alot when watching, whichever player gets more wood and mill earlier almost always wins. (and still keeps up with the rush).. so practice different things.
Sun Aug 31, 2003 5:05 pm |