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Joined: 10 Jan 2002
Posts: 281
Strategy with humans....?
I would want some advice about using humans on the garden of war (classic). What are the strategies would you use if you get 12 or 2? Also, what will be your strat for 4 because i assume rushing from 4 is pointless cause of the very slow gold ( even with 2-3 walls). This was for 1v1 only.
What would be your strat with human if it was those respective spots.... Anyone's response is most welcome....
Mon Jan 28, 2002 9:39 am |
Joined: 23 Sep 2000
Posts: 3143
Strategy with humans....?
As Humans, I play kinda gay, but it works. You will prolly choose not to take this strategy, but I'll post it anyways:
From 12 I rarely ever lose. I dual to the 30k and get a 4on2 with a cannon TO THE RIGHT of the choke (do you know where I'm talking about?) It's basically impossible to tower me. If I'm playing someone who likes to dual I'll scout fast. If not I'll stay in a little extra time and make sure I don't die fast. If I know someone's rushing and I expect that person to attack with cats or something, then I'll make an outside rax and make a few Footmen with it.
Then I get Keep and make Fliers. There's been times where it's Lust vs going fort and I've won. Scout for DKs and if there are any then Knight rush them (You should be atleast lvl 3). Get Mages and expand to 11 and 2 (you should have plenty of resources - take it the 'by the book' way - you know what I mean?). Tower up 2 if you have resources, and make sure to wall in 11 with a hall and a Mage (send a Mage into 11 with a Knight before you even take it). Then make a Mage Tower and a cannon in there.
Start walling Mages all over the map, so that you can slow, morph and blizz his Ogres. With enough fliers, you should be able to scout all the DKs. If you see any of them use Exorcism or Polymorph. Continuous Mage runs work well..
Then, when he starts taking expansions, send over 2 Mages and like 9 Paladins. Exorce the DKs and then kill the expansion. When his Ogres come blizz them to hell and slow the living ones, to be finished by your Paladins. Be sure to keep on healing. Make the only way to get to your base be through the middle, and blizz his Ogres the whole way through. When he gets near, start slowing them (and get some Guard Towers). The Ogres should be coming at you with 1/3 life and a Paladin rush right when he is unlusted works well. Get a few Gryphons when you have the Gold - they can be really useful when paired with Polymorph/Exorcism. If he gets axers then just keep healing and Paladin rushing the axers..
Just keep walling the map with Mages and keep expanding with protection. Eventually you should wear him down.
From 2 just dual inside. There's a cool setup at the choke that prevents him from towering you, but it's too hard to explain.
From 4 I guess a hidden dual or something would work - I dunno though.
Like I said, I play really weird - kinda like Falkentyne. I don't remember the last time I've lost from 12 with Humans, though. This prolly sounds better "on paper" but it's still pretty effective in the game. GL
Mon Jan 28, 2002 5:32 pm |
bob mariey
Strategy with humans....?
Asking Bizatch for his opinions on strategy is like asking him for his opinion on beer. He is 12 and inexperienced, therefore he blaows and sux0rs.
Tue Feb 05, 2002 2:15 pm |
Strategy with humans....?
...yeah....but at least he can fucking spell...
Fri Feb 15, 2002 7:02 pm |
Joined: 07 Mar 2002
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Strategy with humans....?
Thu Mar 07, 2002 11:20 pm |
Strategy with humans....?
sappers/knights usually trash the way most people play orcs on land
or just play sea =P
Fri Mar 08, 2002 5:45 pm |
Joined: 06 Mar 2001
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Location: Bremen, Germany |
Strategy with humans....?
quote: Originally posted by Lash:
sappers/knights usually trash the way most people play orcs on land
You canīt do that with orcs? ;-)
Fri Mar 08, 2002 8:45 pm |
Strategy with humans....?
yeah but who does
head straight for lust, then worry about sappers or dk's.. the guy wanted to know how to play humans - and thats about the only thing you can do.
short of the infamous 4 hall griphon rush =P
Fri Mar 08, 2002 9:00 pm |
Joined: 11 Jul 2001
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Strategy with humans....?
Face it, in order to win with humans consistantly, you have to play shitty orc players. haha ;-0 jk
Thu Mar 21, 2002 11:02 pm |

Joined: 01 Jan 2001
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Strategy with humans....?
quote: Originally posted by uNxHiTMaN:
I would want some advice about using humans on the garden of war (classic). What are the strategies would you use if you get 12 or 2? Also, what will be your strat for 4 because i assume rushing from 4 is pointless cause of the very slow gold ( even with 2-3 walls). This was for 1v1 only.
What would be your strat with human if it was those respective spots.... Anyone's response is most welcome....
Hitman u fucking blow bad enough with orcs why use humans?
Fri Mar 22, 2002 5:38 pm |
i 0wn u all wit this strat
i own your asses in war2 with boths orcs and humans you want to fuck wit me bring it channel: diablo retail mod
dont fucking waste my time. I am leader of War2 MOD and i can own you all. Clan Dots and MOD will take you all on. KILAZ blows ass
Bizatch or whatever your 11 what would you know and dude, my allies will back me up.
Tue Sep 03, 2002 1:16 am |
MOD i can already tell your a geek.
Wed Sep 11, 2002 4:33 am |
Theirs a lott i could list but it can be summarized in KIths guide to humans. My advice is dig that up is good and not 2 outdated.
Thu Sep 12, 2002 2:56 am |