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Joined: 30 Dec 2006
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Our general way for future
My current belief for our future is social network way.
I don't think some kind of oldschool forums can help anymore.
Most young people (born after 2000) use social networks as the main place and spend the most time there.
So, i believe the web 1.0 domination time is over.
Only old dinosaurs as me and some of us, 30+ years old old-style internet users still use forums, different small sites, e-mail, etc as the main communication method.
Welcome to the new world!
There are lots of new potential war2-players in the world! They are opened for something new, but just don't like to leave their comfort zone - social network.
So, steps i see on this way from my side:
- register myself in popular social networks, dive there and look around to look on how in works inside.
- make transparent registration on through social networks.
- turn our site to more interactivity using web 2.0 technologies (i mean dynamic page content). Migration to WordPress has been good start to that way.
- online video replays, with ratings, likes and some more being showed on the site.
- some kind of bnet-server integration is very important for this global way also.
Our public chat has the same logic as a social network, isn't it? So, let it be transparent for others! Make the main channel chat on the main site page would be perfect.
- Some additional services, as online stats, ratings, chat icons, would be also required as the step of this way.
Here's my grand plan for years as i see it now.
That steps should move our platform into the social network users comfort zone.
Of course, any help on this way is welcomed. _________________ War2Combat 3.05: (13 Mb)
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Wed Oct 29, 2014 5:16 am |

Joined: 05 Jun 2009
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Only old dinosaurs as me and some of us
who do you think is the main target of this 27 year old game with shitty graphics?
haha. But yeh, filthy casuals are way more likely to read and use facebook than this outdated crappy forums that they cant even register at, also viewing replays by just pressing PLAY button is more appealing than stupid war2insight which takes a lot to set up and crashes sometimes.
Wed Oct 29, 2014 6:36 am |
Joined: 30 Dec 2006
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Originally posted by cpt^Claw
Only old dinosaurs as me and some of us
who do you think is the main target of this 27 year old game with shitty graphics?
haha. But yeh, filthy casuals are way more likely to read and use facebook than this outdated crappy forums that they cant even register at, also viewing replays by just pressing PLAY button is more appealing than stupid war2insight which takes a lot to set up and crashes sometimes.
Well, my feeling: we can find maybe several dozens of 30+ year old players.
And we can also find hundreds of young players. Graphics is not the main goal.
Graphics has been promoted for many last years by the experts in marketing, but society become to be tired of such point of view.
There's a lot of new browser games, small casual games, etc, nobody care about graphics. The gameplay is the one really important thing.
About War2: i see some specific cosy atmosphere in this game. I didn't find that in most new strategies i tried. Most new RTS looks like twins without heart as for me.
Not sure if next generation can find that, but i hope so.
Anyway, i don't see any other way for us than to move towards the new generation. _________________ War2Combat 3.05: (13 Mb)
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Wed Oct 29, 2014 7:03 am |

Joined: 08 Jul 2011
Posts: 109
The kinds of people that traffic social networks have short attention spans, and the networks themselves are already saturated in an endless stream of trivial information. Just throwing the game out there in front of them won't make a difference, since I doubt the majority will be willing to make the necessary commitment. Download & install the game, deal with hosting issues, deal with color issues, deal with a hostile community, deal with low player volume, play regularly for X weeks/months in order to build enough skill to truly appreciate & enjoy the game and compete...
WC2 doesn't have any appeal to these kinds of users that they can't find elsewhere in newer, shinier, easier to use & learn games with far more players.
The best chance of ever reviving WC2 is by playing the nostalgia angle and getting old players interested in becoming active again, or else by specifically targeting people that have a demonstrable interest in learning & devoting times to these old style games. Burton's forum-posting plan probably has a better overall likelihood for success.. (Gotta say, props to that guy for all that he does.) _________________ squeak
Wed Oct 29, 2014 7:18 am |
Joined: 07 Mar 2009
Posts: 4366
All good ideas
We should dump these forums and move onto a facebook group. _________________
Wed Oct 29, 2014 9:47 am |
Joined: 07 Mar 2009
Posts: 4366
Originally posted by cpt^Claw
Only old dinosaurs as me and some of us
who do you think is the main target of this 27 year old game with shitty graphics?
haha. But yeh, filthy casuals are way more likely to read and use facebook than this outdated crappy forums that they cant even register at, also viewing replays by just pressing PLAY button is more appealing than stupid war2insight which takes a lot to set up and crashes sometimes.
Given the #1 popular game young ppl play today is a game with the graphics wolfenstein3d has, minecraft.
War2 actually has a chance _________________
Wed Oct 29, 2014 9:50 am |
Fast Luck

Joined: 11 Oct 2001
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Originally posted by GaNz
I think iL brings up some good ideas. Social networking is the way to go, we could start by having a forum where people can actually register new accounts to. Everytime I log on these forums, there is 1-2 members online and ~15 guests because nobody can register an account here anymore.
lol do you really think there's 15 ppl who cant get accounts actually all browsing the forum at once?
it's true people can't get accounts, and it's ridiculous that axo hasn't let anyone more active be an admin and approve the real users, but the "guests" you see are just adbots. _________________ i zero bagged your mother
Originally posted by Fast Luck
hassan-i-asher: majorin in takin pictures
dreamin bout wayne from catalina wine mixers
listen little friend stay outta the deep end
cuz you're less street than vampire weekend
Wed Oct 29, 2014 12:24 pm |

Joined: 02 Jun 2011
Posts: 963
Yeah I think a lot of them are real people who prob already have accounts but just don't log in or yeah some without accounts. Look at how many views each threads get and also if I post a video from youtube I can see stats of how many come from the forums and the number of clicks from the forum is actually surprisingly high.. def a lot of guests who click.
I know sometimes I won't post allot and just stay logged out. _________________ Warcraft 2 Festival VI July 25th-27th!
Wed Oct 29, 2014 5:03 pm |
Joined: 14 Oct 2005
Posts: 230
who do you think is the main target of this 27 year old game with shitty graphics?
Then explain why the F this crap game called Minecraft is so popular then. Maybe you havent noticed but my C64 had better graphic than that PoS game.
Wed Oct 29, 2014 5:47 pm |
Joined: 30 Dec 2006
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Originally posted by mousEtopher
The kinds of people that traffic social networks have short attention spans, and the networks themselves are already saturated in an endless stream of trivial information. Just throwing the game out there in front of them won't make a difference, since I doubt the majority will be willing to make the necessary commitment. Download & install the game, deal with hosting issues, deal with color issues, deal with a hostile community, deal with low player volume, play regularly for X weeks/months in order to build enough skill to truly appreciate & enjoy the game and compete...
WC2 doesn't have any appeal to these kinds of users that they can't find elsewhere in newer, shinier, easier to use & learn games with far more players.
The best chance of ever reviving WC2 is by playing the nostalgia angle and getting old players interested in becoming active again, or else by specifically targeting people that have a demonstrable interest in learning & devoting times to these old style games. Burton's forum-posting plan probably has a better overall likelihood for success.. (Gotta say, props to that guy for all that he does.)
Well, your opinion makes sence.
I agree, they have short attention spans and they are happy to live in that stream of information they have.
Here's the absolutely different target group than nostalgic old players.
But it's a huge part of future mankind. We have no choice to cover them if we want to attract new players to our community. I hope not all of them are hopeless. We don't need all of them, attracting several % would be perfect.
So, i thought for your point and now i see 3 different tagret groups we have to attract separately:
1. current active players.
The core of our community. You can see them every day joining the server.
Could be attracted by tournaments, ratings, custom icons and any other activity.
2. old casual players.
Can join the server once a week, a month, maybe a year.
Long time ago they played, now they see they lost their skills. Could be attracted by any activity they can just to watch. Or play with the same old players.
Mostly they have real life, families, children. Not possible to move to group 1.
Our past.
3. new young players.
Can join, try and leave in several minutes/hours/days. Or can join and stay for months or years. At least some of them.
They are young, they want to try old games to compare and find something interesting there. Live in facebook mostly. Could be attracted by friends, likes, ratings, some activity in social networks. Social networks is the main part of life for them. Could enjoy playing between themselves until the skill building. Apreciate ratings/achievements displayed in social networks.
Could move to 1-st group in 5-10 months.
Our future.
I think this 3-rd group is underestimated now. We have to make efforts to attract them.
I'm sure we need individual approach to these 3 groups. At least make some easy mark to recognize each other. _________________ War2Combat 3.05: (13 Mb)
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Fri Oct 31, 2014 12:53 pm |
Joined: 28 Sep 2000
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Ya we could get burnt and some peeps to be more active on reedit ,and all those other damn hipster sites making meme's n shit... It's still hard for them to understand the beauty of the game with out seeing it in action... Gamebot the nice chap who hosts all our games, perhaps he could be linked up to a Twitch account that broadcasts games and doesn't leave.... I don't know if you could get a macro to scan the different bases on the maps but with a LIVE war2 feed linked to whatever war2 parophanelia people would have a much better idea of what war2 is...!! Ask the chap how he feels about it... Or remember how Lance had the SS button linked to automatically sending SS to upload site, Can we link a war2 Fkey to Twitch account to start streaming so we have a shit load of games and perhaps a channel of war2.... Huge way to gain an audience, especially since war2 is a HUGE learning curve for a newb... Watching the pros in action people could learn much faster and see how intense shit can GET..... I know this shits possible, what are the biggest technical obstacles to overcome?
Mon Nov 03, 2014 1:39 pm |