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Joined: 18 Sep 2000
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enough is enough, the time has come for revolution ;)
Okay, im sitting here, and I have to tell ya guys, I didnt really give a rats ass about the online community outside our 'clique' until just now... Im sick and tired of the ladder being owned by people who have their friends surrender to them 40 times... Im tired of having to type in a password just to get a game going... Im tired of only being able to log in at peak hours to find a game with decent people.. Im tired of wearing the same damn nike air hat... yeah but anyways...
Im sick of it, I propose a challange to us, as a group.. We all get our respect back from these new comers... I propose we ALL play ladder... not just a couple of us... and we dont just play each other, we play all those scrubby people who have maphack and will do gowbne/low and try and peon rush you and when they about to, they put on ex high lat so u cant pull peons (happened to me other night)... yes, Im sick of being called a newbie scrub for playing non cash puds on efaster... which takes skill... yes, maybe im a bit off my rocker, but I want to be able to find a game without playing the same people OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER AGAIN!
I know for a fact that right now, i could easilly be top 10 on the bnet ladder.... and I know for a fact anyone else in our 'clique' could be top 10... so I say we dominate the ladder and show these scrubs how to play war2... old school style
How about it?
And once we get the ladder reclaimed, we wont stop there, we will invade there channels, we will invade their games, we will invade their style of playing, and evenutally be victorious! MWAHAHAHAHAHA OH YES, I FEEL VICTORY FOR US! I SEE A LIGHT AT THE END OF THE TUNNEL!
P.S. yes, I know im a bit wierd, but hey, im tired, im sick, and i gotta wake up in 6 hours and take an algebra 2 test
Thu Sep 28, 2000 10:25 pm |
Joined: 25 Sep 2000
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enough is enough, the time has come for revolution ;)
sypher, you dont have enough influence on the community for people to do this. nobody would anyway. i will sum it up for you: ladder is no fun. teams are fun. team ladder never works. people really think think ladders suck. gowbne/faster is jewish. newbies from war2bne usa-1 hack. if you disconnect you lose. if you accidently disconnect and you are winning you lose. everyone on gowbne duals. nobody wants to spend 30 minutes playing a 15 minute game. everyone lies when they say they want to "revive" the community. we dont give a shit about newbies. newbies are boring to play. they die in 2 minutes. we have better things to do than train newbies at a computer game. if most of the good players left, the remaining good players will be forced to play with newbies. the community will never die unless everyone all together stops playing.
Fri Sep 29, 2000 9:23 am |
Joined: 19 Sep 2000
Posts: 1329
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enough is enough, the time has come for revolution ;)
good post there mike, I think you just made another whopping 0 friends. Sypher makes a good challenge, but summ is right that 99% of the elite dont care about newbies, training them or playing them. Then again, since we all dont care we only have ourselves to blame, right? =/
Mage Guild
Fri Sep 29, 2000 8:35 pm |
enough is enough, the time has come for revolution ;)
everyone on gowbne duals. nobody wants to spend 30 minutes playing a 15 minute game. everyone lies when they say they want to "revive" the community. we dont give a shit about newbies. newbies are boring to play. they die in 2 minutes. we have better things to do than train newbies at a computer game. if most of the good players left, the remaining good players will be forced to play with newbies. the community will never die unless everyone all together stops playing.
summoner i havent even see you ahve enough enfluence to get an ally in chat, let alone a game. ladder is competition and competition is fun, what hurts is the hackers/disc'ers. if faster speed is jewish because it takes '30 mintues to play a 15 mintue game' then go play bgh on fastest then you can get in 3 games in those 15 mintues now....wait im tired of reading your posts, they suck
Mon Oct 02, 2000 10:09 pm |
Joined: 20 Sep 2000
Posts: 65
Location: Fairchild AFB, WA |
enough is enough, the time has come for revolution ;)
Summoner is right, everyone wants to play team ladder not singles ladder. I personally dont want to play GOW BNE, because its a shitty map, and the ladder is controlled of hackers, newbie players, cheaters, and shitty maps, with shitty speeds. If we had a team ladder going. I would join it. But that wont happen unless someone steps up and makes it happen.
Wed Oct 11, 2000 1:15 pm |
enough is enough, the time has come for revolution ;)
Summoner "may" be right but I like the way you think Sypher.
Wed Oct 11, 2000 3:55 pm |
Joined: 23 Sep 2000
Posts: 3143
enough is enough, the time has come for revolution ;)
summoner's right...i'm gonna do ladder:
i don't want to give out how ;]
Warcraft Haven -- The ULTIMATE Warcraft Resource:
Wed Oct 11, 2000 6:50 pm |
enough is enough, the time has come for revolution ;)
i just clicked a link to this page in someones profile.
Wed Oct 11, 2000 7:09 pm |
enough is enough, the time has come for revolution ;)
that was a funny post soth
- SaBiQ
Thu Oct 12, 2000 12:50 am |
enough is enough, the time has come for revolution ;)
Sbarf =D if snarf can make top 10 - ImWithStupid^ then anyone (with the skill and time that snarf had) can make it =D. Snarf rocks though, and i have been called a hacker because i was at 5 and i was blue and he was red. I said, dude setting it on fixed is gay. he goes " HACKER! HACKER! I WILL GET YOUR BNE BANNED, AND YOU MIGHT HAVE A LAWSUIT ON YOUR HANDS" i said "Riiiiight" and owned him =[. dont play KiLLeR~SkiLLz
If i make top 10 (which i doubt because i dont play enough) i will reveal me secret laddering name! isnt this EXCITING!
Fri Oct 13, 2000 12:13 pm |