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Joined: 11 Oct 2000
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Location: Providence, Rhode Island |
absolute BEST pos/low rush
Peon#1 - TownHall, Farm#1, gold
Peon#2 - gold
Peon#3 - gold
Start Peon#4
Pull Peon#2,#3 to wood
Peon#4 - gold
Peon#5 - gold until 500g then Farm#2, then gold
When 400g banked pull gold peon to wood
Next 2 wood peons to bring in a trip pull to gold
Peon#6 - gold
Peon#7 - Farm#3, wood
Pull gold peon to wood
Peon#8 - wood
Peon#9 - gold
Peon#10 - Farm#4, wood
Pull gold peon to wood
Peon#11 - wood
Peon#12,#13 - gold
Peon#14 - rax#1, rax#2, gold
Peon#15 - Farm#5,#6,#7,#8,ect...
Peon#16 - Smith, gold
Peon#17 - gold
Peon#18 - wood
Peon#19 - gold
Peon#20 - wood
Peon#21 - gold
Peon#22 - wood
Peon#23 - lumber mill
Peon#24 - Move to expansion#1
Upgrade to hold
Peon#24 - Build Expansion#1
When mine blows move all but 3 peons to Expansion#1 then wall off
Peon#25 - rax#3
Upgrade to fort
Peon#25 - Expansion#2
Plz leave feedback
- SaBiQ
Thu Oct 12, 2000 11:45 am |
Joined: 11 Oct 2000
Posts: 2262
Location: Providence, Rhode Island |
absolute BEST pos/low rush
geno: its implied that u continue to build wood peons at home.
axo i havent seen u on in months - what time do you gt on bnet?
Thu Oct 12, 2000 1:33 pm |
absolute BEST pos/low rush
ull get way too much gold and way too less wood if u only leave 3 wood peons when main mine crash.especially when u already got an expansion with a little gold flow.and now u build a second exp.thats slow ure powering very much,i suggest almost same thing except u build a lot of wood peons from main mine so u can afford hold and fort easilier and get it faster .
Thu Oct 12, 2000 2:09 pm |
Joined: 23 Sep 2000
Posts: 3143
absolute BEST pos/low rush
u move peons from ur main base to expansions because u dont want to get wood @ expansions since then they will surely find u. now u will be making peons with all 3 halls, which means a faster power...
that's a good low rush, but i disagree with it being the best..definately up there
try playing badmanner/nerzyman =P
Warcraft Haven -- The ULTIMATE Warcraft Resource:
Thu Oct 12, 2000 8:58 pm |
Joined: 09 Oct 2000
Posts: 30
absolute BEST pos/low rush
you almost had kith today, if you would have had the sapper done a few seconds earlier, you would have hurt him real bad. But then you would have dealt with his ogres, so who knows who would have won
Thu Oct 12, 2000 9:01 pm |
Joined: 11 Oct 2000
Posts: 2262
Location: Providence, Rhode Island |
absolute BEST pos/low rush
well ive yet to see a better 4fb. The only close one ive seen is xeros's and this is basically xeros's played by myself and updated. And xeros told me that this ownz incin's and lou's just he just doesnt know about axo. Now one more thing...Lou is not pos/low god. Its all hype. He did the same thing i did basically. He took a well know map/res played it alot, got good at it and said he was god. Now this was all before that thing with ~Iczer so ppl still liked him. (was izcer really a 34 year old german spy
?) Neways, since at the time noone (as far as i kno) was big on pos/low (cept maybe ewj whowas his ally) so he went on saynig he was incredible when really he was just above avg like kith/axo (maybe summ with hack) is now. Now as for me, I think pos/low is my best res. I even think im above avg. on it. Nevertheless when i played kith i had 0 hope of winning. I was just curious to see what he could do on it. And...i'm very impressed...ive played like 15 ppl on it in the last 2 days (no skewl). And of the 5 of them that milled none had more than 3 ogies when i sapped whereas kith had like 12 or so. Axo i never got to rematch, but i think i might have had a better chance against him. I could go on for a while longer, but im sure noone's had the attention span to follow me this far, soooooo if ne1 l33t wants to play me ide liek the challenge =/
- SaBiQ
Thu Oct 12, 2000 10:43 pm |

Joined: 15 Sep 2000
Posts: 4449
absolute BEST pos/low rush
Sabiq, the only way you can beat the ogre/power I did on pos/low is to just hit my wallin really really hard and make me repair while putting up an ot. You'll never get a sapper before I have enough ogres to own you. Trust me on this one.
I coulda easily beat and SHOULDA easily beat INcin with this when we did our King of Hill Billy. But as all the watchers know, I attacked really retarded and did a few other dumb mistakes. Its the best power for pos/low I know of and its my secret hehehe. Axo knows it though. But he won't tell anyone will he? =(
Thu Oct 12, 2000 11:35 pm |
absolute BEST pos/low rush
remember on kali, when we could build a farm then rax at first, that was cheap ( before Townhall)
Fri Oct 13, 2000 12:35 am |

Joined: 14 Sep 2000
Posts: 3772
Location: Vancouver BC |
absolute BEST pos/low rush
I'll play ya 1 on 1 sometime on there, to show you one of the things you have to watch out for with that order...
Incin and guan both use a 4 farm rax smith ( no farm in between), which is a really good rush.
Fri Oct 13, 2000 12:41 am |
absolute BEST pos/low rush
ull get way too much gold and way too less wood if u only leave 3 wood peons when main mine crash.especially when u already got an expansion with a little gold flow.and now u build a second exp.thats slow ure powering very much,i suggest almost same thing except u build a lot of wood peons from main mine so u can afford hold and fort easilier and get it faster .
Fri Oct 13, 2000 12:43 am |
absolute BEST pos/low rush
Can't say as it is all that tough a strat Kith :P And yes you shoulda won that game vs incin had you not been retarded or something. Hurry up and get a move on playing EQ man you are slipping behind. Take care man. Oh and Axo....GIVE ME BACK MY am I supposed to play with no weapon. Yah just disappeared the other day and I have not seen you since. Take care and have fun on your hike or whatever guys.
Fri Oct 13, 2000 6:32 am |
Joined: 11 Oct 2000
Posts: 2262
Location: Providence, Rhode Island |
absolute BEST pos/low rush
its funny cause i kinda tried doing it to axo (later last night) and what he did was attack me with 47520975023 grunts making me repair my wallin and at the same time ot'ed me. Also thnx for letting me watch those games vs stimp/drummond.
- SaBiQ
Fri Oct 13, 2000 8:54 am |
absolute BEST pos/low rush
sab... im down to play pos/low whenever.. ill msg u on bnet i guess
Fri Oct 13, 2000 11:23 pm |
absolute BEST pos/low rush
If there would actually be pos/low strats written down on a page somewhere,I think alot more players would care about learning it.
Sat Oct 14, 2000 3:29 am |