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washed up strats.
Axo, you make it sound as though dualing is the best way to go. Maybe since you and kith are best buds, same strats ("i knew i would lose if i couldn't dual!!") good players will make you repair the shit out of your wallins thus slowing you down, while 2 cats are building. Good players will have 2 cats raping your city before your hold even finishes. It's possible you could fight off the attack, by hiding ogres, but you will lose lots of peons and a player that had 12/2 will "smoke" you to lust, and its game over. You might not believe me, but then again, its because you're not with the times.
Tue Oct 10, 2000 9:08 am |

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washed up strats.
He was referring to the fact that numerous players had told him BEFORE the game that you hack. When you play someone that hacks, it's hard to win unless you get to dual.
But you are out of date so don't worry about trying to comprehend that.
Tue Oct 10, 2000 1:14 pm |
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washed up strats.
Oh, I'm out of date, considering I play way more than you these days. "You should have ogres when 2 cats come" rofl axo. I'd like to see you win a 1v1 dualing vs any good player these days. Let's see you have those "ogres" when that up-to-date player has 2 cats on you. nice try though =(
Tue Oct 10, 2000 3:13 pm |

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washed up strats.
I do it what, 10 times a week? And the games I get are always against the best players.
Shall we talk about your style of war2. The 'new way' of playing gow. I could do a whole page on your 'revolution' with screenshots from your game vs Kith, but I doubt you want that.
Tue Oct 10, 2000 5:47 pm |

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washed up strats.
Tell me Summoner, what day was it you decided to think you were suddenly good? Was it the day after you downloaded the hack? =(
Tue Oct 10, 2000 5:50 pm |
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washed up strats.
It's not me thinking I'm good, it's me talking shit. And yes, I talk shit. What got me off is when I responded to a strategy question and you replied with "funny who newbies talk like they are good" (aimed at me). Kith, you seem to expect everyone to think you are among the best players these days. How can you be? You don't play enough. What comes up must come down? Sure you may have your six years experience, compared to my three, but there is a lot of better players out there these days. A lot of better players that have half your experience. Axo, I could care less what you do, it seems you are upset because I don't suck up to you like everyone else. Why should I? I'm from zone. I never heard of you until I got bne. Just because my way of thinking is different from yours does not mean I hack. It also does not mean that your way is the 'correct' way to play this game. Yes it's also true, I am unskilled on many maps. I know the layout, and basic strat, but I have not played them nearly as much as you have. And don't put me down for that.. it's not my fault. On zone, gow/high was default, here gow/high is default too. If I started on kali, I would be forced to master other maps. This is how many players out there are. Pestilence did lose a 1on1 to me on hsc/high, which shows I can play them however. So if you, axo, want to think I maphack, I could care less. And if you, kith want to think I have a, level hack?, whatever. I know there are many players out there that would disagree with you.
Tue Oct 10, 2000 6:19 pm |
washed up strats.
maybe it has something to do with the fact that there are about 3 ppl who like summ and less than that who dont like kith? But... as so many ppl will find obvious, it doesnt take more than 6-7 games to get back to peak. Also what makes u think kith doesnt play much nemore?
BTW summ, in your EXPERT opionin is lvl5 rush /fast lust the best strat for GoW BNE?
Tue Oct 10, 2000 7:01 pm |
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washed up strats.
I didn't say I was the one who underwent a revolution. I took a six month break. I'm saying the game in general. Maybe it appears I do have a different way of thinking than you do Axolotl.
Wed Oct 11, 2000 9:17 am |
washed up strats.
A new hall placement at 5:00 on GowClassic does not mean a REVOLUTION for the entire War2.
- SaBiQ
Wed Oct 11, 2000 10:01 am |

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washed up strats.
Alright, good answer.
The only thing that gets me is the 'out of date' thing you have referred to a countless number of times. When I threw a reply back using the same 'threat', I was trying to set you up into a little trap with the response I was trying to make you give...but you avoided it, unintentionally I'm sure.
It's annoying because your GoW game had some real major flaws for a 'revolution'. Flaws that could easily kill you at any time.
Definately not anything that constitutes a revolution.
You don't hide grunts towards middle AFTER the 2nd-from-right path when you are trying a counter hit on 2. You don't scout 5 to 12 first in case someone is dualing s9/9/11, throw whatever 2 spots you want together. It's just a far cry from 'up to date' all.
And again, you refer to GoW specifically. I seriously doubt any of these players with half my experience could match me on, 5 maps...10, 15, 20, 25...I'm one of the few players around that have actually played them all numerous times (bne's included).
Wed Oct 11, 2000 12:56 pm |

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washed up strats.
I've yet to see anything that constitutes as amazingly new and I've played like 40 games in the last 3 days. Some against people like Polo , and Myst and all them. Stuff like that. So far the only thing I've seen that counts as a revolution, was you were the only one who went level 5 and had lust at a decent time. I've yet to see anyone else do that? =( Ever in fact. =D Plus like Axo said, love how you say we are "out of date", when I've yet to see you do anything amazing besides build some ogres. If your trying to revolutionize the game you need something a bit more far out then going level 5 (however you did it by), and then getting mass ogres. That constitues as a derevolutionization if you ask me. Because we were doing that shit before you'd even got the game (except no level 5, go figure). Oh well. How would you now though eh? Like you said, you've only played for 3 years. =/
Wed Oct 11, 2000 2:56 pm |

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washed up strats.
Also, the reason I said that post about newbies who think they're good is because you talk so much shit to people that are just trying to get better. They came to the site here to learn some stuff, not get shit talked to by some faggot with an attitude.
Wed Oct 11, 2000 2:58 pm |
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washed up strats.
Kith, the game never even got to a late game. You have never seen me play a late game. How can you know that all I do is get mass ogres? That's not what I do at all. I use hasted dks more than ogres in the late game as well as constant expanding. It's not my fault you lost your 12 then gave up. I coulda proved you otherwise then...
Wed Oct 11, 2000 8:57 pm |
washed up strats.
can summoner be banned?
Wed Oct 11, 2000 9:20 pm |
washed up strats.
I've seen Summoner play,and I'm convinced he doesn't Maphack,atleast if he has it,he doesn't use it.Sometimes people can be "better" but that doesnt always mean they do everything "right."(Not saying sum is better though.) I get accused of hacking alot when I do things without knowing any better.Like once I'm at 12,and and Kassa is dual rushing 4/5,I had leftover
grunts and sent one to check 6.Now doing that made no "sense" when I already knew he was dualing,but I didn't know any better and wanted to be safe.Needless to say he had raxes at 6 and I looked suspicious.I couldn't explain why I scouted it but i just did.Kith,sometimes people don't play the way you do,maybe sending a flyer up to 12/2 right away is better,but it doesn't mean Sum was maphacking.Lvl5 rushing and fast lust sounds suspiscious,but then most people weren't there and we dont know how "fast" he actually got lust.
Wed Oct 11, 2000 9:43 pm |
washed up strats.
i think of it as a complement when people say i hack, that means im d@m good! hehe, i however dont hack, saying they hack: thats just a way for people to deal with taking a loss a lot of the time. DEAL WITH IT! it is obvouse though, like when you run your men over to a town that has no vision outside, and find the ogres already lusted, i hate that. :ekk: cant suprise attack
Wed Oct 11, 2000 9:57 pm |
Joined: 09 Oct 2000
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washed up strats.
you meen
Wed Oct 11, 2000 10:00 pm |
washed up strats.
u guys give me hope... u talk about ONLY playing for 3 years... heh.. i've only had the game for like 7 months and only been playing old gow/high for maybe 2 solid months total. I really enjoy playing that map/res in this group of ppl. I think that I am at a competitive level with most of these players... but does 3 yeras compared with 6 really make a big difference? How much better can u get on gow/high after a certain point?
BTW... y would summoner hack? I'm not saying he does or doesn't... but it seems like there would be no motivation... its not like hes abusing the ladder system... so what is the reward for hacking?
In fact... playing the game hoesntly and scouting actually gives me a good feeling considering ppl talk of hacking alot... how ever corny that sounds. BTW axo.. why don't u just play a best out of 5 series vs summ... the arguing only lasts so long
Thu Oct 12, 2000 1:07 am |
washed up strats.
what is the new spot for hall placement at 5? are u referring to the spot to the right of the gold mine that serves as part of a potential wallin?
Thu Oct 12, 2000 1:10 am |
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washed up strats.
- SaBiQ
Thu Oct 12, 2000 1:31 am |
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washed up strats.
Is it me or is puting your hall there seem really old
"dot dot dot"
Thu Oct 12, 2000 1:42 am |
Joined: 23 Sep 2000
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washed up strats.
summoner does do a good job of late game, i gotta give him that
HOWEVER, how can you have SO much change in a CPU game? it just doesn't happen man. i mean, u have the new lvl 5 rush/lust order...maybe a couple different late game ideas, and that's about it.
about the 2 catting a 2 hall tho:
it really does work. i've beaten several good dualers. but for those of u who want to learn, if they have ogres by the time you 2 cat, then HIT THE HALL WITH NO OGRES, take it out, all the food, and then kinda box them in and get lust.
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Thu Oct 12, 2000 10:47 am |
Joined: 25 Sep 2000
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washed up strats.
nah, if he has ogres, you 2 cat rushed wrong, and its over. Hes just gonna keep walling his base further back until his ogres come out.
Thu Oct 12, 2000 1:29 pm |