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Joined: 25 Sep 2000
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subject, whatever
im a shit talker, yes, i dont care either. but when below average newbies start insulting me, its when i retaliate. Bizatch you are the most pathetic player I have ever seen. You have never impressed me in a game once. Nope, not even once. Every game I allied you in, you sucked hard. Thats why when you ask me to ally you, i just /squelch. I'm pretty sure everyone else does too. Nobody on here thinks you're worth a shit. You have no skill. Move on. Stop trying to help newbies with strategy. You are making them worse. As far as I'm concerned I don't ever think I lost to you on bnet once. I think I lost at 2on2 to oddeye once, where my ally fucked up, but you weren't playing in it. As far as a 1on1, its bullshit, I don't ever recall that game between us. Everytime I lose a 1on1 I always ask for a rematch. That did not happen, you are lying in order to save your reputation. There's nothing to save. You blow. Your posts blow. Your webpage blows. Find an easier game, like quake. Or you can pretend you are good, and impress the scrubs that created Whatever, I don't care, just stop addressing me in any of your posts. You are lame. Get a life. I don't want anything to do with you.
And axo, keeping a "clean" forum isn't necesarry the coolest. Most players that post on here play this game a lot and are used to the massive trash talk that is an accessory to it. We're all grown up, we can handle a little profanity here and there. 24-7's page wasn't a failure, it was the best webpage ever to hit war2. Remember freedom of speech. If someone doesn't happen to wanna see a filthy post, then they don't have to click it, or you could do something like "warning, lots of trash talk in here". I'm sure people agree with me on this. whatever, just giving my thoughts =)
Thu Oct 05, 2000 11:38 am |

Joined: 14 Sep 2000
Posts: 3772
Location: Vancouver BC |
subject, whatever
A guy asks if fast decaying a 2 hall would work, and then he has to go through 30 posts of 3-4 guys flaming each other? I don't think so.
I don't care if you guys fight, you just have to keep it in your own threads.
[This message has been edited by Axolotl (edited 10-05-2000).]
Thu Oct 05, 2000 4:26 pm |
Joined: 04 Oct 2000
Posts: 157
Location: Centreville, Va |
subject, whatever
dude if he is depressed he will kill himself now summoner. nice. i am soo tired. goodnite.
Thu Oct 05, 2000 5:38 pm |
Joined: 23 Sep 2000
Posts: 3143
subject, whatever
umm summoner u can lie all u want but u know i'm right...i owned u the last 2 games, once with oddeye and once 1on1. lie all you want about it
'when i ask you to ally u'
never since zone
'the 24-7 page is the best on the web'
it had a good message board and a Q&A, that's all
'my strategy page sucks'
it's valid strategies, any *good* person that reads them will agree...summoner do u recall your last homepage? and u were like 17 when you made it, i am 14 only...
'i just /squelch u'
last time u /squelched me was when you had nothing to say cuz ur a nerd...i was apparently hurting your feelings & laughing at anothers(your) expense summoner every1 agrees that your a complete nerd, just shut up dude
Thu Oct 05, 2000 6:10 pm |
Joined: 25 Sep 2000
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subject, whatever
here's one: is a bizatch a good player? you, I, and everyone else knows the answer to that one.
Thu Oct 05, 2000 9:13 pm |

Joined: 18 Sep 2000
Posts: 5698
Location: Detroit, MI |
subject, whatever
Summoner, please shut up, you talk to much trash... sure biz aint godly, but he is an average/above average bneter... back up off him... and quit talking shit... I bet even i, a worthless heat scrub, could bend you over :\
ICQ: 15393260
Thu Oct 05, 2000 10:50 pm |
Joined: 25 Sep 2000
Posts: 1197
Location: Heaven, Universe |
subject, whatever
Bizatch and above average dont belong together. He can't hang really. Everyone knows this. Everyone agrees with me about this. Nobody thinks bizatch is good except bad players like sypher that can't win a game if their life depended on it. So they resort to analyzing chat room dialogue. good work. sypher you're almost worse than bizatch. You suck up to basically everyone that posts on this forum. I talk shit because I have self esteem, I see no reason to kiss ass. I guess you're just a loser with no confidence.
by the way... slipknot owns tool =)
Fri Oct 06, 2000 9:19 am |
Joined: 25 Sep 2000
Posts: 1197
Location: Heaven, Universe |
subject, whatever
It's more personal preference. I do believe slipknot has good beats in their music because I like hardcore punk rock. Tool isn't that really. They have a few good songs, but some (eulogy) suck. I think Metallica is just as gifted as them, and so is Korn. but thats my opinion.
Rap sucks by the way. It's not hard to come up with a few rhymes and use a synthesizer keyboard to make a beat.
Fri Oct 06, 2000 11:33 am |
Joined: 16 Sep 2000
Posts: 61
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subject, whatever
I still like rap. It may be easy to create but some rappers can just do it ALOT better then others.
Btw slipknot isssssss crapppy and tool isssssss crapppy
"dot dot dot"
Fri Oct 06, 2000 2:19 pm |
subject, whatever
Nice post summoner. I'm sure everyone is now convinced, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that you own bizatch.
Slipknot sucks.
Rap sucks.
Fri Oct 06, 2000 3:25 pm |

Joined: 18 Sep 2000
Posts: 5698
Location: Detroit, MI |
subject, whatever
HAHA! Rap... Easy?! thats an oximoron
My best friend is a rapper (his name is indecent, he is recording his first record as we speak.. and yes, he is indian... not white) its so hard to be a rapper... you gotta make beats and you gotta write songs... especially when you aint from the ghetto, its extremely hard to write raps songs...
My friend is even trying to get me to start rapping, and i started about 4 years ago, just fucking around, and now i can freestyle with him, but i am probably only 1% of any rapper out there with a record deal... belive me rap takes hella skill...
anyways, i know im gonna get flamed for this... oh well
P.S. Summoner, I couldnt win a game if my life depended on it? hehe, ask bizatch about our last game, i bent him over so hard he made me show him my strat..(no offense ment biz) then accused me of hacking because 'you didnt get lust as fast when you showed me' which is bull shit, cause 1.) i was talking the whole game, 2.) I dont hack...
SUmmoner, if you would like, i would be more than happy to play you 1v1... i dont wanna start a flame war, but please stfu, you talk to much trash and u barely back it up...
ICQ: 15393260
Fri Oct 06, 2000 4:19 pm |
subject, whatever
When people say rap is easy to make, I assume they're talking about mainstream rap. And they would be right, since most mainstream rap is very formulaic, as is all mainstream music. Couldn't talk about rap outside of the mainstream though, since I'm not a big fan =(
Fri Oct 06, 2000 4:49 pm |
Joined: 16 Sep 2000
Posts: 61
Location: USA!!! |
subject, whatever
I just read every sentece of these messages with a "like woah" after them and it was freakin halarious like woah. ;P
"dot dot dot"
Fri Oct 06, 2000 9:24 pm |
Itsa Me!
subject, whatever
man... everyone so hostile... I think that the best lesson from music can be learned from our Teeny bopper friends the Hanson brothers: "where's the love? it's not enough/ to make the world go round and round" Everyone breathe deep and chill. As far as music goes, to each his/her own. I personally like country and oldies, b/c Simon and Garfunkle (sp?) own any band out right now, but I'm not going to say Korn sucks or Slipknot sucks, yada yada. If that kind of music is your thing, than right on. Who am I to say that it sucks, and that it doesn't speak to you?
To address the flaming, why? just why? what does it prove? that you're a jerk that has a better time ridiculing people than exhorting them? guess what, that's a really bad character trait, and you're going to spend many years lonely as hell until you figure out that nobody besides other jerks likes that kind of person. Anyway, that's my rant.
Sat Oct 07, 2000 9:43 am |
subject, whatever
I hate Hansen...
Sun Oct 08, 2000 7:15 am |
subject, whatever
Got any plans for them nerds T? If so gimmie a buzz on kali or the cris forums. I'll go buy some electrical tape and grab some "toys" from the old shed.
Sun Oct 08, 2000 7:34 am |