
Joined: 15 Sep 2000
Posts: 4449
Best Peon Gay
Nedro, this is what most players do when they are doing peon gays/tower wars. They build a farm, and most usually build a 2nd farm with scout peon inside enemies base then a mill at home repaired, and go put towers up like mad. Its better to scout because you might just end up not having a nieghbor and if you do all that repairing and dont'g et a 2nd farm, then you'd be pretty useless to your allies. So scout right away, build yer 2nd farm at the enemies base (either messing up his gold like @4 and @11 or else as part of the walling in his peons wallin), then repair yer mill and either go wall him inside his hall or just repair and wall a few towers around his gold mine. Then go back and worry about yer own base.