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How to defend against being gayed.
I just need some suggestions as to how one can prevent or defend being gayed when playing in maps like GOW.For instance I was starting off at 11 and was about to dual to 9 when I saw his peon coming to my base.He quicky threw up 3 guard towers from the outside and I was unable to defend them as I had to quicky repair mill and smith wif a rax inside to get a cat.By the time this was done he has already got to orges.I am not good in gaying so i need some advice as to how to stop and gay someone if I were to dual.What factors do I need to consider when I am caught up wif a gayer.Thanks in advance.
Thu Sep 28, 2000 3:57 am |
Joined: 19 Sep 2000
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How to defend against being gayed.
The only way your going to become good at gaying is by getting beat by it over and over again, and watching what your opponent does to make sure it doesnt happen to you again =/ I used to really suck at gaying, now I'm ok at it after a few years of practice. A few factors to consider are..
Repping a mill
Raxing or milling the enemy
Walling in your opponent
Walling with cat
In a regular gay war 4/5, people will scout with their first peon. When they find the enemy, either they will run home and repair a mill, or go mill or rax you. Then they bring a second peon over to either try to wall you in, or start towering your ass. There are two objectives in a tower war. Saving your town and killing his. Unless your really good, you probably wont be able to do both. So opt for one of the other. Dont go tower the enemy with 4 towers if your defending. Maybe just one to keep him busy while you get a cat. Also, an opponent is slowed if he's raxed and your not. So, if nothing else...Rax him. Make him either spend precious time killing your rax or moving to another mine, which allows your ally(if hes rushing) to seek out and kill him. Sometimes you can wall your enemy in, so that his peons are stuck on the inside of his town, letting your tower him with leisure. Altho that would make him either try to chop out or get a cat. Remember that if you dont do anything to an opponent in a tower war but try to get a cat, he'll probably tower your ass to hell and kill or cripple you before your cat pops out. Usually 2 towers are good enough, but theres always the chance of his allies grunts coming in to kill your towers. When wondering what to put up in his base when you scout him, you have a choice of either rax or mill. I suppose you could go smith or farm, but thats not what usually happens. Farm sometimes, if your dont have room and your peon is running away from 4 axe wielding peasants hehe. Ok, if you rax the enemy, then repair a mill with your peons at home, then go tower his gold mine to prevent mining, not too much if you want to wall and get cat. If you mill him, then your probably going to want to wall him in to prevent all his peons from coming at you in force(peon rushing). In all actuality, peon rushing is a very common tactic in tower wars. To be successful in a tower war, I dont recommend building a second farm until it's over. In which case your either fine, or you've been towered and you have to move =/ You have to be really good to not lose these, and I'm always having to put the latency on low because some gay fool thinks extra high will make the game go faster as all my peons are dying in a tower war =I Anyhow, Hope this helps. I also don't recommend going with tower wars in a 12/2 war on fastest speed on gow/bne. BlaH!
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Thu Sep 28, 2000 10:40 am |
Joined: 19 Sep 2000
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How to defend against being gayed.
Oh you wanted to know how to defend against a gaying while dualin..Hrm. How bout I tell a little story. 2vs2 classic gow / even faster / high res. Soth & Paper_Boy vs =0](Face) & NYU_Gook. Ok so I'm at 5, paper's 12, face is 11 duals 9, and gook is 4. I rax 4, gook towers 5. I end up having to get a cat, while he moves to 3. I lost the gay war :( Ok, so paperboy scouts the dual, and peon hops into 11 while repping a mill at home. 2 guard towers kill 11, while he goes into 9. pops up a guard tower at 9's mine, then 2 more around the hall to get a cannon tower. Suffice to say face died a horrible painful death from 2 peons a few grunts and 4 guard towers. To defend a gay while dualing is very hard, if the enemy knows what hes doing. Paper did, and face getting eliminated was the result. When you dual your really strained for res. The best thing to do is first, make sure you can't be hopped. However, a determined enemy will kill one of your bases early on if hes good and he finds you right away. If your allies rushing you might be able to live, but gook was getting raxed at the time, so he wasnt able to help out. The best advice I can give is to not dual unless your ally can suppport rush. Hope this helps =/
Mage Guild
Thu Sep 28, 2000 10:52 am |

Joined: 15 Sep 2000
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How to defend against being gayed.
The whole thing about being gayed is experience. I can't possibly explain all the ways that you can be gayed. There are sooooo many variations that Axo could have just a website on being war2 gayed and no other strats. Like Soth said, you gotta try and slow yer enemy while living at home. A few things to remember though, are that if you HAVE to get a cat...then most likely you're going to lose because you're slowed by a lot.
So if you're attempting to dual and all of a sudden a peon walks in and A: starts building towers
B: raxs you
then your options are:
A: Kill his tower with your peons, tower his tower back so you can kill it (try and also keep your tower within range of your wallin so you can use it to defend the grunts that he will also send). Or if you can't do anything and your hall hasn't finished building, just cancel your hall, run all your peons back home, wall-in, and one hall power.
B: If he raxs you, put a guard up so that it will hit his rax and any grunts that will pop out, and ALSO try and make it so that the tower will be able to defend your wall in. So you'll be saving yourself from having to build another tower later for when he hits you with grunts.
But like I said, there are so many ways that you can be gayed that I couldn't possibly go through them all. Even one little space for where a tower is can change the whole aspect of how you got gayed. So jsut practice them a lot, try and play some really good players (because most of them are good at neighbor wars, or think they are), and eventually you'll begin to understand the concept behind gay wars.
One last thing, for ALL of you.
Most players will either help you, or say "Fuck you newbie you suck!" In which case you don't want help from them anyways.
later all.
Thu Sep 28, 2000 10:53 am |
Joined: 26 Sep 2000
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How to defend against being gayed.
Thank you guys.I am still new to this gaying thing but I guess I need to play more inorder to find out how they gay me.Losing quite a number of games but still holding on.Have a Good Week ahead.Happy war2ing guys.
Fri Sep 29, 2000 10:35 am |
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How to defend against being gayed.
Here's a couple of pointers from my perspective:
1. If it is a wide open peon fight (i.e neither you nor your enemy has walled each other in [will get to that in a few seconds]), then always keep every one of your peons near each other or grouped up. I've seen so many people having peons standing around in bum-fucked egypt and I just walk around with 4 of my peons and pick them off.
2. Pretend as if the peons that you have are going to be the only peons you get in the game. TRY YOUR HARDEST not to let them die, not even 1.
3. A quote from Azteca. "Whoever mines first in peon warfare wins." So basically, try to block off your opponents gold mine with either farms/barracks or whatever you want, and then secure your base and try to mine as fast as you can. If you mine 1 peon even 30 seconds before your opponent can start mining say 4 peons, you will be ahead.
4. Upon your initial peon scout, examine your opponents layout of his buildings automatically. What you really want to be able to do, is by using only 2 peons, wall your opponent behind his town hall in a manner that he can't leave his base, OR build defensive towers to guard his gold mine. If you can execute that properly then most of the time you will win because your opponent won't have enough peons outside to kill your towers.
5. Don't always try to -Win- the game with peon warfare. You will end up spending way too much money most of the time. Instead, try to just get ahead of him, or cripple his ass so you can get ahead.
6. If you approach a base with that first peon of yours and you see your opponent building a barracks right away, don't bother towering. Instead, just block him from mining gold, wall yourself in with a tower, and power.
Like most of the responses in this post, it takes experience, it really does. It isn't something you can teach with screen shots. It takes quick thinking and on-the-fly tactics. Practice makes perfect.
Fri Sep 29, 2000 6:25 pm |
Joined: 23 Sep 2000
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How to defend against being gayed.
if you are at 11 o'clock a good idea would be to wall in with a blacksmith and get a barracks and a lumber mill also. now get 1 cannon(PLACED WELL). make a catapult and keep repairing your cannon tower. now you'll be mining this whole time and if your cannon dies your smith should hold up long enough for your catapult to kill his guards. from there you should ogre/sapper rush in 2on2, or ogre/catapult rush in 1on1
Fri Sep 29, 2000 7:30 pm |
Joined: 26 Sep 2000
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How to defend against being gayed.
Thanks to everyone one of you who took the pain to reply to my post and I really appreciate this.Atleast I am able to defend alittle now like for example like what soth said, I was playing a 3 on 3 game on GOW and I pretty much wanted to dual and like what soth said,I didn't make the 2nd farm until the 2nd peon came out.The opponent from 11 came over and raxed me and I was able to wallin wif a mill and quickly throw up 2 guard towers and manage to throw a rax and get a cat for myself incase there would be a cat rusher and went to birds fast and was able to catch him wif 3 birds placed along the peon line.Quickly through a inventor and got myself 9 knights and 2 sappers and sappered my way through.We won at the end.This was something I never tried b4 but it worked and I am happy about that.Thanks once again to all.Have a nice week.
Mon Oct 02, 2000 4:58 am |
Joined: 25 Sep 2000
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How to defend against being gayed.
A good player will come back from being slowed because the good player will be smart and get another hall up somewhere else while you sit there with 12 peons on a fortress eventually 30 seconds ahead of him
Mon Oct 02, 2000 10:42 am |