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Fast Luck

Joined: 11 Oct 2001
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Make a town hall as close to your mine as you can. If you imagine War2 as a grid, and each unit fills one square on the grid, your hall should be three squares from the mine. Keep that path clear. At some spots, you may want to clear a path by chopping some trees. For example, on the map Garden of War.pud, you'll want to chop out trees at 4, 11, and at 5 (if you build your hall to the right of the mine) (imagine the map is like a clock, and imagine where the 4, 11, and 5 are on a clock to see the spots I mean). You may also wish to build behind or to the side of the mine to improve the flow of gold. For example, walls behind the mine at 4 will prevent peons from popping out behind the mine, and thus having a longer walk to return their gold. It's common to put a farm to the right of the mine at 5 if you've made a hall underneath it, or a blacksmith to the left of the mine at 11. Remember, we want the peons to take the shortest possible path between the mine and the hall in order to bring gold in as fast as possible. However, we also must look out for congestion. If you see peons idle in your gold line, quickly attend to them. If one of these loafers is lugging a bag of gold over his shoulder, you can send him back simply by pressing the G key (return Goods). You'll also be almost constantly training new peons to ensure a robust economy. Make sure to grab these new peons and assign them a task quickly so they don't clog the path and slow things down. One or two stuck peons can quickly lead to a major traffic jam! If that happens, just remember the G key as discussed. Select the whole group of peons (use control and select a peon or perhaps more efficiently simply click and drag over the peon line (the "peon line" is what the path of peons traveling to and from the gold mine is typically called -- you'll also hear it called simply by "line" and it is often targeted in attacks (it's a vulnerable target, and an enemy can quickly cut into the heart of your economy with a blizzard or decay spell or with melee units (to prevent grunt or ogre attacks, people often "wall in" or stand ready to "wall in," that is, block off the enemy's path to the mine completely with buildings, repairable from the other side (imagine the grid the game exists on again to make this easier))). Also, learn the best hall positions on the map for easy use in the future. For example, at 12, this would be against the top of the map, and at 2, against the right side. You always want to be mining gold. By clicking on a mine, you can see how much gold is remaining. When that number reaches zero, the mine collapses (keep an eye out for the occasional poor fellow who dies in the wreckage!). When your mine runs out, you should have another town hall placed close to another mine at the ready to transfer your mining peons to. These are expansions, and since they're not at your home base, your army may not be quite as available to protect them as they were with your original mine. Therefore, it's often you wall these expansions in immediately or protect them with a number of guard towers. (Rat presents an interesting way to get peons into an already walled off town here: For extra insurance and an extra large economy, you can begin taking multiple expansions (in fact, some people make two halls right off the bat -- be ready to defend both these halls if that's the path you take). People also sometimes will try to build towers that target your line, or even to splatter your peons by launching catapult fire from outside your town into the line. They do all this because gold really is the key to this game! Alright... now that that's all out of the way, onto the hard part!
Select a peon and right click the mine. He'll go in and get a bag of gold.
Tue Jun 09, 2009 9:21 pm |
Joined: 22 Nov 2006
Posts: 3223
ROFL i was going to do this one but thought u would... i swear
Tue Jun 09, 2009 9:27 pm |

Joined: 23 Sep 2000
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china called, they want their wall back
Wed Mar 24, 2010 3:13 am |

Joined: 05 Jul 2001
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That's one long paragraph
Wed Mar 24, 2010 1:49 pm |

Joined: 24 Mar 2005
Posts: 1045
unreadable _________________ GreenHorn: Nexus cried every time I beat him but still thought he was better.
Wed Mar 24, 2010 2:06 pm |

Joined: 15 Sep 2000
Posts: 136
Wall of text crits you for 99999999, you have been slain.
Tue May 25, 2010 5:06 am |

Joined: 29 Jan 2010
Posts: 1078
actually once ur economy is going, the placement to gold mines is less critical.
say for instance, at 11, ur mine collapses and ur in a war against s9/6, and he's patrolling grunts between 4/5/12/2 the obvious choices for xpo right?
well build a mine @ s12 and damn the distance, you should have enuf peons going to continue mass producing dks/oggies and rape 6 ASAP. plus, s12 is scouted much less often than 12/2/4/5. also 3 and 8 are good choices, 8 is awesome bcause the newb @ s9/6 won't even think ur going to xpo so close to him.
make a hall @ 8 with a dk hall protected by cannon tower for maximum rapeage.
Thu May 27, 2010 8:36 pm |

Joined: 05 Jun 2009
Posts: 2590
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Originally posted by chaoslod
actually once ur economy is going, the placement to gold mines is less critical.
say for instance, at 11, ur mine collapses and ur in a war against s9/6, and he's patrolling grunts between 4/5/12/2 the obvious choices for xpo right?
well build a mine @ s12 and damn the distance, you should have enuf peons going to continue mass producing dks/oggies and rape 6 ASAP. plus, s12 is scouted much less often than 12/2/4/5. also 3 and 8 are good choices, 8 is awesome bcause the newb @ s9/6 won't even think ur going to xpo so close to him.
make a hall @ 8 with a dk hall protected by cannon tower for maximum rapeage.
Fri May 28, 2010 1:11 am |