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Joined: 07 May 2006
Posts: 925
break dual
i've read swift's pre-cat strategy for breaking a dual, and its alright but, i have a way that works better for me and possibly you.
the strategy starts out as a stardard 1 rax, scout as fast as possible (obviously) when you scout a wall-in pressure it imediatly, scout the nib spot, and all around the dual to make sure theres no hidden raxes or 3 hall ( do this quick;y because you could be wasting time ) imediatly start a 2ed rax a mill and 4 choppers. stop upgrading grunts, ( keep an eye on your opponant) upgrade axes at your mill. get 6-12 axers and you should have about 6 grunts. You should know how much you'll need to break the wall-in you're about to attempt to break.
Hit the weakest wall in or the wall-in that has a garud over a cannon or cat.
hit the wall in with the grunts and the tower and repping peons with the trolls. In the meantime start getting cats and exp for a late counter dual.
in the event that the enemy is rushing or anything else play it like a normal 1 rax, when you 1 rax make sure you are ahead of your enemey on wood and that you hit ogres or lust first. I prefer in the event that the situation becomes a rush to exp for the victory go ogres and saps before anything else.
all questions within reason will be answered.
beginners should not attempt. _________________
Thu Jan 01, 2009 9:10 pm |
Joined: 28 Mar 2006
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What happens if the dualer chops out and was grunt rushing?
Also, can you really get 6 archers and 6 grunts out of 1 rax fast enough to pull this off? _________________ I don't think anyone has unlimited time, and that seems like a particularly strange conclusion to draw from about 20 minutes worth of posting on a message board. Hassan-i-Suckah
Sat Jan 03, 2009 4:05 pm |
Joined: 08 Apr 2003
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yamon is a fucking n00b
this only works if you out micro the shit out of the dualer, and meanwhile he's got 2 halls worth of peons collection resources, while you only have one, on top of that your base is on the other side of the map wherease the dualer has easy screen access to his base to continue building
nobody listen to this idiot on this forum
Sat Jan 03, 2009 10:29 pm |
Fast Luck

Joined: 11 Oct 2001
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Originally posted by SarX
What happens if the dualer chops out and was grunt rushing?
Also, can you really get 6 archers and 6 grunts out of 1 rax fast enough to pull this off?
it's 2 rax
still doesn't sound like it would work that great _________________ i zero bagged your mother
Originally posted by Fast Luck
hassan-i-asher: majorin in takin pictures
dreamin bout wayne from catalina wine mixers
listen little friend stay outta the deep end
cuz you're less street than vampire weekend
Sun Jan 04, 2009 1:22 am |
Joined: 22 Nov 2006
Posts: 3223
On ef the precat strat isn't necessary but it works well on f once u get it down.
Last edited by Swift on Sat Jan 17, 2009 5:17 pm; edited 1 time in total
Fri Jan 16, 2009 5:03 am |
Joined: 26 Jun 2006
Posts: 1058
Location: Fredericton/Miramichi NB Canada |
Originally posted by Swift
On ef the precat strat isn't necessary but it works well on ef once u get it down.
bad tips from a bad player ;/
5-1d u all day long
Fri Jan 16, 2009 1:39 pm |