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Joined: 06 Apr 2001
Posts: 1130
Originally posted by PhucT~
Swift, I never said fastest wasn't important. Open your eyes you fuckin douchebag. I simply said nobody cares what you can do on fastest. Because they don't. Get a fucking clue, son.
Orkin, stop pointing your fat finger at me. I told you I had nothing to do with that. It's been proven, and admitted too. And now I know you're completely full of shit, saying 30 matches were reported in 1 night, when only 1 match could be played per night, per person, and 1 game per hour. (I got screwed to this when playing Ywfn for #1) Go play bullshit somewhere else you fuckin scrub. Stop taking your newbie attitude out on me because you were never good enough to compete.
How stupid are you PhucT~? So I can only play 1 person per night but I had over 30 losses reported to my account. Let's put two and two together PhucT~ I know comprehension isn't your strong point. Are you indicating that YOU were the ONLY OTHER PERSON on the ladder besides myself?
I was only 50% because you and your buddy Maven reported like 30 losses on my account to other people so you could keep hopping other people.
Re-read that genius.
Fri Feb 16, 2007 5:20 am |

Joined: 01 Jan 2001
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no wonder phuct had such a good record, now it makes sense.
Mon Feb 19, 2007 5:32 pm |
Joined: 22 Nov 2006
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Mon Feb 19, 2007 7:17 pm |

Joined: 14 Aug 2006
Posts: 852
Well it definitely helped my rush, which in turn forced him to be more on the defensive for a minute, giving me lust faster.
Other things I picked up was getting more peons before going hold, getting better at multi-tasking, learning a better time to build my mill, and a few other things.
Im still not that great at late-game though. I can never remember to scout enough and expand enough. I have a hard time finishing people off.
Fri Feb 23, 2007 1:31 pm |

Joined: 01 Dec 2004
Posts: 3002
Originally posted by Sentinel
Well it definitely helped my rush, which in turn forced him to be more on the defensive for a minute, giving me lust faster.
Other things I picked up was getting more peons before going hold, getting better at multi-tasking, learning a better time to build my mill, and a few other things.
Im still not that great at late-game though. I can never remember to scout enough and expand enough. I have a hard time finishing people off.
that's where i've been for years. i got a good early game and then stopped playing enough to improve any more. i can absolutely have somebody dominated the whole game and still have trouble with the final killstroke.
Fri Feb 23, 2007 4:08 pm |

Joined: 14 Aug 2006
Posts: 852
If I scout and find his dual early is it better to counter-dual or to try and break in with cats?
Mon Mar 05, 2007 11:21 pm |
Joined: 22 Nov 2006
Posts: 3223
Originally posted by Sentinel
If I scout and find his dual early is it better to counter-dual or to try and break in with cats?
mix it up, practice both.
Mon Mar 05, 2007 11:26 pm |
Joined: 29 Jun 2006
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the title of this thread always makes me laugh _________________ ~~~ViRuZ~~~
Mon May 14, 2007 7:31 am |