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Nib Wars
I would like to discuss gow bne strats for nib wars. I mostly play 3's or 4's so I will know if it is hot from the start.
If I am 9 vs 11, I like to start with an anti-gay layout as 9 has a few nasty spots it can get gayed. After first farm is done, peon 1 builds mill above the gold mine to block the top tower spot. Peon 2 builds farm below gold mine to block bottom tower spot. Peon 3 builds a guard tower near the town entrance. This tower provides early protection against gays and later protection against rushes. Peon 4 depends on what the enemy does. If he raxes/mills my flow, peon 4 puts a tower right above the town hall. If he tries to made additional farms/towers in my flow, Peon 2 might make an additional tower behind the farm for added protection. If he tries to gay me I have at least 1 tower upping before him and my tower will see his gay. I will then send all of my peons to kill any gaying towers. After any gay attempts are defeated, I sometimes try and tower 11, if my allies are keeping his allies occupied. If he is rushing and if his layout permits, I will block off the rax with a farm or 2 to trap his grunts. I will then setup my towers using tower bug to hit his tower and repping peons. If there is a threat of one of his allies rushing me I might seal 9 at this point. One his wallin is broken, I can let one of my allies finish him off or continue towering inward if they are occupied. Using this strat, I have never died to a gay from 11.
For 11vs9, after first farm is done, peon 1 scouts 9 to see if it is hot. If so, begin towering out of range so he can't see it. Peons 2 and 3 build and rep mill. Peon 3 also builds a defensive tower at town entrance. If enemy has only 1 tower at entrance, I will start a second tower and peon rush it with peons 1-4. If he has more than 1 tower at the entrance, peons 1-4 go deeper inside 9 and build towers out of range of his 2. I build to have at least 1 walled tower repping peon and kill any enemy peons trying to stop my towering effort. The location of these towers varies based on his layout and the success of his peons trying to stop me. On 4vs4's, I forgoe the scout/first tower and build and rep a mill early and get a defense tower. I then send peons 1-4 to the enemy town to tower him.
For 12v2, after first farm, peon 1 builds rax outside of 12, right of the town entrance and along the treeline. This rax blocks the 2 tower/repping peon spot that 12 can get gayed at easily. Peon 2 builds farm at town bottleneck. Peon 3 depends what the enemy does. If he tries to block off 12 so my grunts can't get inside, peon 2 cancels farm so there is an opening in 12. Peon 3 builds farm along enemy rax at 12 to make his grunts pop out outside. If no enemy block attempt occurs, peon's 3 and 4 scout for enemy towers and rep the rax. After rax 1 is done, build and rep rax 2. If enemy tried a gay, build a smith and make 2 cannon towers to hit any defensive towers at 2. After the enemy towers fall, grunts can move in and the 2 towers kill any repping peons. 12 is sealed, and I setup a 4v3 at 2 to block any enemy reinforcements. Cannons make short work of his allies grunts if they try and help 2. If an ally does show up, they are more likely to hit 12. In this case, I will go back and save 12 if I have enough grunts, call for help from an ally, and/or throw up a defensive cannon. If no enemy allies show up, I will rape 2 with grunts and then go help out any allies. If 2 did not gay and is level 1 rushing, I continue making grunts with no early smith or towers. I hide my grunts somewhere where 2 does not see them. When he attacks, I flank his men and then go rape 2. If he his not gaying or level 1 rushing, I rush right away and he will most likely lose both of his raxes and then get a defensive cannon. At this point I might go help an ally or take him down with a pair of cats.
For 2vs12, level 1 rush with farms block gay spot right of mine. Peons scout for enemy gay attempts at other spots. Peons and grunts make sure enemy cannot wall off raxes. If they build in my flow, I try to make sure he cannot completly block my flow and then rape his rax.
For 6vs8/8vs6 level 1 rush. If they try to block gold flow or get walled towers in flow, use peons to stop them. If they tower up, use either cats or cannons to bring em down.
Wed Jul 27, 2005 4:46 pm |
Strapping Young Lad

Joined: 09 Aug 2003
Posts: 5898
In those situations in a 3on3 or 4on4 I double rax mass grunts and take over the game, never failed, GG. but you dont have my skill, i dont recommend trying this just an idea.
Wed Jul 27, 2005 6:27 pm |

Joined: 01 Jan 2001
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Originally posted by Strapping Young Lad
In those situations in a 3on3 or 4on4 I double rax mass grunts and take over the game, never failed, GG. but you dont have my skill, i dont recommend trying this just an idea.
I remember you tried that once vs me in a 3v3 and I raped you easily.
Thu Jul 28, 2005 9:42 pm |
Joined: 12 Dec 2001
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Lvl 1 rush is weak. The only thing u can beat with it is if the other smith first rush AND if you didnt scout him so that when scouting with his first grunt you will catch him with 4 grunts. If he can back up this grunt in time, or if he just normally 2 rax rush with a smith, the lvl 1 rusher will die. Believe it or not, but lvl 1 rushes are THAT weak.
Fri Jul 29, 2005 2:30 pm |
Strapping Young Lad

Joined: 09 Aug 2003
Posts: 5898
Stfu Ganz you retard.
Level 1 rush seems to work alot better on fastest. I do mass grunts and kill nib easily and the other idiots in tower wars I own easily and I win the game . I've done it several times. But none of you have my skill so don't bother trying this.
Fri Jul 29, 2005 4:11 pm |

Joined: 01 Jan 2001
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lol what skills? you suck
Fri Jul 29, 2005 8:14 pm |
Strapping Young Lad

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good one. you should be a philosopher
Sat Jul 30, 2005 6:48 am |
Joined: 12 Dec 2001
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jon- try your pathetic lvl 1 rush on me. i dare you.
Wed Aug 03, 2005 3:40 pm |

Joined: 11 Jul 2003
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Originally posted by KaNuKs
Lvl 1 rush is weak. The only thing u can beat with it is if the other smith first rush AND if you didnt scout him so that when scouting with his first grunt you will catch him with 4 grunts. If he can back up this grunt in time, or if he just normally 2 rax rush with a smith, the lvl 1 rusher will die. Believe it or not, but lvl 1 rushes are THAT weak.
I seem to have left off 4vs5 and 5vs4 last time so here goes:
4vs5 3v3, 2v2, 1v1:
After hall build 1st farm along left side of tree line. Peon1 scouts 5 to see if it is hot. If it is, build tower above his mine. I like to build it 1 space higher than you need to, so when you make the 2nd tower you instantly have 2 towers with a walled repping peon. I have seen some people actually walk all the way around to try and get the repping peon. If they do this I might seal the top as well, and as soon as he walks away cancel the top seal and go back to repping. Peon 2 makes a mill right of the farm at the same height as the farm. Peon 3 builds a tower along the top edge of the townhall. This tower is low enough to protect against any rax/mill in your flow but high enough to hit any grunts that hit your wall in when you finally seal. Peon 4 reps the lumber mill. Offensive tower 2 should be started by now. Peon 3 helps rep mill as soon as tower is done. Upgrade all 3 towers when mill finishes. Send peons 2,3,4 to help offensive tower job at 5. Use them to either kill enemy peons, rep 2 towers, or start a third tower, depending on what the enemy does. If the enemy got 3 towers upping at the entrance, cancel the 2nd tower and the 1st tower upgrade. Send all 4 peons deeper inside 5. Kill off any loose enemy peons with a 4v1 attack then start building 2 towers left of his mine, out of the reach of his 3 towers. Make sure to rep them to get them up quickly and seal them off with a farm so you have at least 1 walled repping peon. If you did it right 5 should be a hopeless cause. His best bet is to move. This inside tower job puts you a bit behind because you now have 2-3 peons(assuming he killed 1 or 2) stuck in 5 because of his towers at the entrance. If you can't get them out without losing most of them, just use them to build stuff along the bottom of 5. Wait for grunts to clean enemy towers away and have them harvest lumber at 4. They usually pop back inside after their first load of lumber. Peon 5 either assists with attacking 5 if you are losing too many peons or simply walls off 4 with the 2nd farm right of the mill, same height along the top so guard tower can protect everything. If peon 5 goes to 5, make sure peon 6 seals 4 to protect it from rushes.
4vs5 4vs4:
Same layout as above, but peon 1 mills right away after first farm. Peon 2 builds tower above your town hall. Peons 3 and 4 rep mill. As soon as mill and tower are done and upping, send peons 1-4 to enemy base. Do not worry if he tries to rax/mill you your defensive tower will rape that easy. If there are 0 or 1 enemy towers at the entrance, plop down 2 towers above and to the right of his mine so that 1 peon will be walled(at least walled from the bottom.) upgrade towers as soon as they are finished. if only 1 enemy tower, send 3 peons to attack it. If his peons respond, kill them 3v1 if you can take them. If he outnumbers you plop a 3rd tower and rep it. Run away when attacked. If he instead had 2 or more towers at the entrance when you got there, run all 4 peons inside and tower him from the left of his hall, out of range of the towers by the entrance. 4v1 any loose enemy peons. You should have upgrade advantage since you should have more loose peons.
5vs4 4v4(6 is enemy):
I only do this strat if 6 is hot. Peon1 builds 1st farm at town entrance and mill below that. Peon2 builds tower left of farm. Peon 3 builds tower outside of 5, at the bottom of the map. This is to spoil any attempts to gay 5 from the bottom with a walled peon. Peon 4 reps mill. Both towers up. Peons 1-4 should be done building by now. All 4 peons go outside and kill any gay attempt. If no gay attempt is made, use the 4 peons for the following: 1 chops towards 6, 1 makes inside rax, 1 makes smith, 1 makes 2nd farm to seal the town in. Start making a cat as soon as the rax is done. If anyone cannoned you from behind, use cat to kill cannon. If anyone is catting you from behind, keep chopping towards 6 but make sure to use the cat to keep your gold flowing. Make a 2nd rax inside to pump cats if you end up with a 5/s6 cat war. Use cat to fight off any gay or rush attempts. Then as soon as you have chopped to 6, go cat his gold. I make at least 2 cats, to pound his gold and maybe 1 to defend 5 from rushes as well. After getting fort, I like to chop out backside of 5 and seal off s6 for my exp. Assuming 6 is fucked by now, I will pull my cats back for defense. If 6 never fully died I might chop into it and finish it off with ogers. Biggest problem will be 4 who if he didn't gay or rush and decided to tech can fuck you over with dk's/lust/blizzard. Try to hold him off with your cats/towers/ogers/2nd layer of wallin/inside dk's until you can get help from your allies, who should have an easy time with 6 being dead and 4 whalling on you.
5vs4 4v4(6 allied):
Same layout as above for peons 1-4. Except don't cancel the 2nd tower at the bottom of 5. Since I don't wallin here I need the extra firepower to stop rushes. I like to seal the bottom tower with farms when I need them. If the enemy did not attempt any visible gay attempt, I like to plop a third tower left of my mine, just in case he is towering 5 from behind. I only upgrade tower 3 if he is gaying from behind or it appears likely I am going to get doubled. Plop down an outside rax and a smity. Make 2-3 grunts and then start a cat. Scout 4 to make sure he doesn't have an inside cat. Send a peon to chop the back side of 4. There is a spot where a cat can reach his peons but can be walled right away with a farm after chopping out. Time it so that the peon is done chopping right after cat is done so as not to tip 4 off too early. as soon as 4 is chopped, send cat to kill his peons and wall it in with a farm. Have a 2nd peon on stand by for repair for if he is rushing he will immediatly try to take out the farm. Repair the farm as soon as he starts hitting it while you pound his grunts with your cat. Use your own grunts to try and take some pressure off of the farm. If he tries to kill your grunts first, run back to the 2 guard towers at 5. You can usually get some free hits from your towers when he is chasing you. If your farm is in any trouble of dying, pull all peons you can to repair it. Sacrifice peons/grunts if you have to. If he did not attack right away and is building up for more grunts, I like to make another farm or 2 around my first one(or walls) to stop him from hitting the walling farm with 7-8 grunts at a time. You should also keep pumping grunts of your own after the cat is done. If 4 or another enemy tries to attack 5 instead, run to the choke at 5 and let your towers rip them a new one. Even if they break in they wont survive long with 3 peon repaired towers shooting them. I have actually been rushed several times by others in the game when using this strat, frantic that 4 is dying. None of them did any damage to 5. The cat and towers are likely to set you back abit so its important to cripple 4. Scout for likely expantion spots like 3. Also, watch for him chopping out. He might do this either to bring a cat inside from an outside barrax or to attempt an expantion when its clear 4's gold is fucked.
Kanuks, whenever I manager to catch you on war2, I want to try my level 1 rush vs your level 3, 12vs2 or 2vs12, GOW BNE fastest.
Wed Sep 21, 2005 6:13 am |
Joined: 12 Dec 2001
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haha anytime son, i have beaten too much of these, one more cant hurt me. If i have a latency good enough to pull peons, you stand no chance.
Peons + 2 lvl 2 or 3 grunts > any lvl 1 rush.
Thu Sep 22, 2005 11:43 am |
Joined: 01 Jan 2006
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Originally posted by GaNzTheLegend
lol what skills? you suck
ok ok ok ganz is the next carlos mencia... GIVE IT UP FOR GANZ
Mon Jan 02, 2006 3:39 pm |
Strapping Young Lad

Joined: 09 Aug 2003
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kanuks nerd boy trying to act tough, roflmfao
Wed Jan 18, 2006 1:06 pm |
Joined: 12 Dec 2001
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Hahah and what about you? Do you really listen to the crap called canibal corpse?
Wed Jan 18, 2006 3:52 pm |
Strapping Young Lad

Joined: 09 Aug 2003
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lmfao nerd trying to be cool now, can't even spell words. lmfoafmoafm
Thu Jan 19, 2006 8:01 am |
Joined: 12 Dec 2001
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omfg he rly listen to this crap.
You're so grim man, nice goth style. So gore!
Fri Jan 20, 2006 11:00 pm |
Strapping Young Lad

Joined: 09 Aug 2003
Posts: 5898
do you think much before you type something? you come off as a huge retard skechers should thank you for making him look less of a dumbfuck.
Sat Jan 21, 2006 8:56 am |