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Some Interesting Things
For those of you who are firmiliar with Metroid Prime, (in my opinion the greatest console game ever created) I recently watched a video of some guy named Henru Wang (did you think he was not Korean?? of course he is ^_^) beating the game in 1 hour 37 minutes with 100% completion percentage. There is an article that basically states the nature of the speed run.
Originally posted by WinGalaxy
expert techniques
that require three dimensional thinking that I witnessed in the video included:
1) Blind Moving - Henru knew where he was at all times in the environment. He was able to move back, left and right, while engaging enemies, or while scanning objects. It saves precious seconds when you don't have to actually turn the character to face the direction you need to go.
2) Combination Techniques - Henru, and many other players in the Metroid Prime community have found ways to combine techniques that result in totally new techniques. For example, Henru was able to reach a short cut with strategic bomb placement, while taking advantage of the different physics of ball mode versus normal mode.
3) Sequence Breaking - This is where enterprising gamers have found ways to go through the game in different orders. This helps to discover the fastest way through the game.
To address this I'd just like to laugh out fucking loud. I'm not saying it's not extremely talented because it is.. However, they don't point out the fact Henru blew by everything getting his ass kicked on numerous occasions. The video itself took him over
1 year to complete
. He would study certain path courses and learn the fastest possible ways through rooms. The video is broken up into 15 parts all seperated by save points to make it seem like this was one complete gosu run of the game when in fact this jabroni got his ass kicked time and time again.
As far as sequence breaking goes, who doesnt break sequence in any Metroid game? How could that even be mentioned? I was impressed when he started the game and strafe jumped over to the Space Jump boots, but thats the most this entire video showed me.
The completion of the video and watching it through its entirety is absolutely un-fucking-real -- but it's false. The kid died so many times before he actually got it done right and recorded it. They interviewd this kid and he basically states how he used to be a hardcore PC gamer a few years back... He goes on and says he was a big fan of Warcraft 2, Starcraft, Quake 2, Broodwar, Quake 3, Counter-Strike, and Warcraft 3. Then boasts himself by saying "I even got a decent standing for Starcraft in the short-lived Profesional Gaming League (PGL)."
Originally posted by Henru Wang
However, the general PC gaming community turned into a very abhorrent environment plagued by paranoia, cynicism, and even racism. It was at the point where you can't win a game without expecting explicit sexual insults or accusations of cheating.
So basically, he ditched an interactive community of gamers to play console games and get the prestegious -fastest time through a game award?
While I agree the online community is quite the "unique" environment that consists of those things it certainly beats gaming alone; even with all the trash on-line.
The video can be found here:
I'm not really at an understanding yet with all these speed runs. (
) I will admit it's entertaining to watch someone wiz through video games without error much like the Mario 3 video we watched here but in all reality it's a waste of fucking time.. During the videos I couldn't stop saying how much of a pathetic loser this guy was for doing this.. It reminds me of war2 on fastest... just a watered down version of a game - how could someone doing the run find that entertaining? Share some thoughts.
On a completely different note, my friends and I over the years have tried all sorts of "Traditional Role Playing Games" such as AD&D with no real success on actually having fun playing them. The sessions got so dampered and boring with all the fucking rules involved in them.. so my friends and I decided to write our own damn ruleset book based more on a high fantasy setting we called the book FaRG - Fantasy adventure Role-playing Game. It's very basic and simple but still lacks some creativity... could be a gigantic waste of time but if any of you have played any traditional role playing games id ilke to hear your experiences of them.. What worked for your group and what kept it interesting?
I'm out :O give some replys if you got something to say.. otherwise fuck off. ;-D
Sat Mar 06, 2004 2:38 am |
Joined: 05 Mar 2003
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Where haev you Been Arch Your Pool Daddy
Sat Mar 06, 2004 2:54 am |

Joined: 15 Sep 2000
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Are you referring to AD&D(Second Edition?) or D&D(Third Edition)?
Sat Mar 06, 2004 3:16 am |

Joined: 18 Nov 2000
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Both :I We did have a bit more fun playing 2nd edition though, simply because it has less tables and shit in the core rulebooks.
Sat Mar 06, 2004 3:43 am |

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I know a few people who've played Third Edition, but they always end up modifying the rules and such.
Sat Mar 06, 2004 4:04 am |

Joined: 10 Jul 2003
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You have to keep in mind though doing that kind of stuff in Korea is being like a star athlete over here. At least I think so based on how big it is over there.
Sat Mar 06, 2004 11:04 am |

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I didn't think Koreans played consoles very often, but I guess I was wrong.
Sat Mar 06, 2004 7:01 pm |
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Personally I think this kind of crap is a pretty big waste of time too, but I don't see it as any more of a waste of time than spending all your time trying to be really good at an online game. While I personally would get a lot more satisfaction out of being a top tier Brood War player, for example, than having the Metroid Prime speed record, they're both pretty big wastes of time as far as I'm concerned unless you're one of the few who are good enough to actually make a living off of playing games. But whatever floats your boat.
Sat Mar 06, 2004 8:56 pm |

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I didn't think the game was that good. It was great, but it wasn't as good as Super Metroid or the older Metroid for the NES.
Sat Mar 06, 2004 9:43 pm |

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Nintendo Power is the company who is charged with writing the story of Metroid, and they have changed the storyline quite a few times.
Sun Mar 07, 2004 6:48 pm |