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Question of the Day

Welcome to the Question of the Day. This is a place where I will answer any War2 related questions that you may have. First note that, this game doesn't have the popularity it once had, to make it worth my while to do a question EVERY day. I will answer any good questions I get when I have time, until I have a substantial list of them. So feel free to ask away.
Email me your question, or ask me on the forums. You can ask me any related Wacraft 2 question and I'll try my best to answer it.

The Latest Question:

GowBNE Ironman Ladder (fixed order) - Submitted by sLuGGo~

The Archives Question of the Day:

-Orc vs Human: grunt-rushing speed
-2-hall rushing on gow bne
-GoW 8,6 vs 11, 2 [an error occurred while processing this directive]