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Joined: 20 Sep 2000
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As most of you know, Napster has been in and out of Court for "Copyrighting" Music. So it may not be on much longer, so just wondering what names a lot of you use to get your music. I dont keep napster open when playing war2, but in the offtime hours of war2 I am on napster. So lets see what yall got.
My napster name is Y2KMoRpHiuS, anyone is free to download. My modem is 640k DSL for those of you with a faster modem speed.
Sun Oct 15, 2000 7:02 am |
Sailor Mini-Moon
Joined: 14 Oct 2000
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I use Napster a lot also, and my name is _Sailor_Chibi_Moon_
I also use scour and my name is Sailor_Mini_Moon.
I hope Napster beats those greedy music artists
hehe, Im a 16 year old male Sailor moon fan and proud of it =). Sailor Mini-Moon(Sailor Chibi-Moon) is my favorite character on the show =). Any info on how to draw Sailor Mini-Moon?? E-mail me about the site link. Ill Love you forever Chibi-Usa =). Wanna talk to me on AIM? my s-name=SAlLORCHlBlMOON(The I's are lower case L's) Im a stubborn average Human player who refuses to play orc and loves the sound of blizzard raining down on those lusted oggies ;)
Sun Oct 15, 2000 3:23 pm |
Eh, I don't think Napster should be shut down either, but why are they so greedy? Don't you think they're entitled to some money for their work?
Sun Oct 15, 2000 4:50 pm |
Joined: 11 Oct 2000
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i use napster a lot and my name is SaBiQ (on napster)
- SaBiQ
Mon Oct 16, 2000 12:16 pm |
Sailor Mini-Moon
Joined: 14 Oct 2000
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IMOHO they are greedy. I think this because they make plenty of money with the albums they sell that are not downloaded not to mention the concerts they do. I am no debator, so If sypher is in around he had a GOOD arguement for this topic. All I know is the music artists who are sewing u know are rich as hell and dont need anymore damn money. I will however state that I still like them even tho they are sewing napster, Im just upset by their actions :/
hehe, Im a 16 year old male Sailor moon fan and proud of it =). Sailor Mini-Moon(Sailor Chibi-Moon) is my favorite character on the show =). Any info on how to draw Sailor Mini-Moon?? E-mail me about the site link. Ill Love you forever Chibi-Usa =). Wanna talk to me on AIM? my s-name=SAlLORCHlBlMOON(The I's are lower case L's) Im a stubborn average Human player who refuses to play orc and loves the sound of blizzard raining down on those lusted oggies ;)
Mon Oct 16, 2000 3:43 pm |
Joined: 02 Oct 2000
Posts: 349
what u ppl are missing is that pirating music has a huge impact on cd sales..
a lot of ppl think "oh well im gonna go d/l a few songs i dont need the cd"
before the mp3 existed ppl would have to buy cds to get what they want or record it to a tape.
i think record companies and artists are actually very justified and their actions are very sanctioned...
Mon Oct 16, 2000 3:50 pm |
They have plenty of money? They don't need any more? How is that fair? That's like telling them "sorry, you're too rich now, from now on you have to work for free".
Mon Oct 16, 2000 3:51 pm |

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bleh i guess ill reply....
You both are wrong... 90% of the artists could give a rip about napster, its the record companies that are spazzing out... when your a band, and you get signed to a record label, every CD you sell, you only get a fraction of the profits. Music artists mainly make their money by touring and getting promo deals by companies (like adidas and puma for korn, nike with eminem... etc etc etc)
yes, some of the music artists are greedy like Somthing Ulrich of metallica, but thats be cause he is a lisp talking homosexual, and he should burn in hell anyways, cause last time metallica had a decent CD was in the 80's... and the record sales prove it...
so yeah, thats my 2 cents.... thank you
ICQ: 15393260
Mon Oct 16, 2000 3:51 pm |

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Valkrie/ghost, there has always been 'copywrite infringement' in the early 80's the RIAA was going ape shit cause people were COPYING TAPES oh the technology! Congress then made an act that made copying tapes legal (forget the name of it, but it does exist) then recently, another act was passed called the digital millenium copywrite act stating that it was legal 'share' your files with other people using high speed conections..
ICQ: 15393260
Mon Oct 16, 2000 3:54 pm |
Sypher, you can add Dr. Dre and Eminem to that list too. Dre sued Napster as well, and while I don't believe Eminem did, I believe I heard him in an interview say something along the lines of "I'd like to kick their asses". So I guess they're going to hell too. I don't think Napster itself is bad, because I think these people that put about two or three good songs on their album to make a good video and single deserve to be ripped off. But if you download a lot of someone's songs, and you think they're good, you should definitely support them.
And yes Acid, I am aware that it is legal under that act, but it does not nesercarily make it moral.
Mon Oct 16, 2000 8:22 pm |
Joined: 20 Sep 2000
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I look at it this way, napster (For some people) is a way of listening to a song too see if you want to buy it. A lot of people dont have burners and cant burn them. And if they did, they wouldnt need napster. They can go to all their friends houses, and burn their cds, and then return them. So to me it makes no difference whether or not people use napster. Its their just like everything else. Next its going to be DVD movies, and video games (Publicly) without having to hack them. After that? Who knows. But this will never stop. People will be breaking the rules till the end of time. So why fight it? Napster has millions of users. And if just 10 top add companies like Nike, Coke, Pepsi, Marlboro, blah blah blah payed napster to put their adds on the napster page at a couple million an add a year, then napster could pay the record companies a annual charge. Maybe that isnt the best idea, but SOMETHING will be worked out, or people are just going to do it by pirating, and it wont make any difference, because you cant stop the public.
Mon Oct 16, 2000 9:24 pm |
Joined: 16 Sep 2000
Posts: 29
Morph, I have a burner and uh, neither my friends or I buy cds anymore
Nomed - Devil
Damage Inc.
Mon Oct 16, 2000 10:19 pm |

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yes, ghost... Dr. Dre did sue napster, as a music producer of interscope records, not an artist... and yes, eminem did say that in an interview... but thats acceptable, because unlike most artists, his CD was availible 1 month before the acutal cd was released.... I can understand eminems frustration
ICQ: 15393260
Tue Oct 17, 2000 6:52 am |
Joined: 25 Sep 2000
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this is a dumb topic. napster is going to be shut down, and everyone will use another underground napster. im sick of hearing all the "please support napster" who cares. you can get mp3s off of websites too you know
Tue Oct 17, 2000 9:07 am |
He's not the only one Acid. The reason Metallica got pissed at Napster in the first place is that their song off the Mission Impossible 2 soundtrack was on Napster months before the actual soundtrack came out.
Tue Oct 17, 2000 3:12 pm |
Joined: 03 Oct 2000
Posts: 94
If you made a cd and people downloaded it for free, would you like it? :\
Tue Oct 17, 2000 4:39 pm |
Many of you seem to be missing an important aspect...Every poll that has come out indicates that the widespread use of MP3's has actually increased record sales not decreased. The entire lawsuit is somewhat anti-productive in light of this, but then it was started before anyone did any research on the subject. As a result, they come across looking like idiots.
Tue Oct 17, 2000 5:03 pm |
Joined: 20 Sep 2000
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Well of course record sales are going to increase, they are always going to increase, as population increases, and people get more into music. There are so many more people into music now adays per populous, compared to the 70s.
Tue Oct 17, 2000 5:14 pm |
Whether or not record sales are on the rise is irrelevant, and it doesn't justify anything. That's like saying it's okay to rob banks because our economy is doing so good.
Tue Oct 17, 2000 6:30 pm |
Programs like Napster will never cease. Once you open a floodgate, you can't close it. I do however believe that napster, or other programs similar to napster should charge a small montly fee. Otherwise competition in the market will decrease, which is directly related to quality (this applies to everything from mp3s to DVD burning in the future). So to you "Save Napster" people, can it. It ain't happening. It is clearly a copyright infringement, and if the program isn't "banned," it will at least undergo some changes. eg: monthly fees. My advice is to download as many as you can now, and quit worrying about what's going to happen to napster in the future. (unless you get caught, do you really care?) Peace
Tue Oct 17, 2000 9:42 pm |
quote: Originally posted by SC~Terror:
Many of you seem to be missing an important aspect...Every poll that has come out indicates that the widespread use of MP3's has actually increased record sales not decreased. The entire lawsuit is somewhat anti-productive in light of this, but then it was started before anyone did any research on the subject. As a result, they come across looking like idiots.
The only idiots are those who are buying more CDs as a result of using napster. Sorry, but it's true. MP3, MP3 Coder/ripper = free. CD-Rs = approximately $.80/cd. CD from your favorite artist = $15.00-20.00. Do the math big guy.
Tue Oct 17, 2000 9:52 pm |
Joined: 02 Oct 2000
Posts: 349
record sales of plummeted in the last 3 years
its someting like 1/3 of record sales has dissapeared do to mp3's.
id like to knwo where ur getting ur ideas from terror
Wed Oct 18, 2000 2:33 am |
The only idiots are those who are buying more CDs as a result of using napster. Sorry, but it's true. MP3, MP3 Coder/ripper = free. CD-Rs = approximately $.80/cd. CD from your favorite artist = $15.00-20.00. Do the math big guy.
So by your logic, if you carjacked somebody, you wouldn't be stealing their car, you'd be making a smart investment. Nice logic there!
Wed Oct 18, 2000 8:31 am |
Joined: 20 Sep 2000
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Fact: Using Mp3s for CD burning is wrong
People will now forever be able to do it.
Record companies are going to be fighting forever
But I still wont buy CDs =)
Wed Oct 18, 2000 11:41 am |
Joined: 25 Sep 2000
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If you buy a CD this day in age, your IQ is less than 75.
Wed Oct 18, 2000 11:42 am |
Personally, I think Napster is a great idea. Both commercial and non-commercial music alike benefit from Napster's services. Most of you here are saying that CD sales have gone down in the recent years. Not true. I recently read an article about this, and in fact CD sales have gone slightly up since 1996. The idea of burning CDs using MP3s is, and I believe this, morally wrong. You should use Napster for your internet music only, and nothing else. I myself don't usually buy CDs. If I like something a lot I'll go out and buy it, as well as download it. People who sue Napster have justified actions, but I don't think they realize that Napster is actually helping their artists more than they are hurting them. Because of Napster, music has become more widespread and more important to a lot of people. I don't look forward to people responding to my post and tearing up every sentence I say, so I'm going to end it now. Besides, my class is almost over. lol ;]
Wed Oct 18, 2000 1:21 pm |
If you buy a CD this day in age, your IQ is less than 75.
Maybe, just MAYBE, the people who buy CD's believe that someone is doing a good job, and deserves some money for their work. MAYBE musicians should recieve MONEY for these albums they work so hard on. Yeah, I know it's quite a stretch, but just maybe...
Ghost, if there was a program out there that would let me download free cars and not get caught, you can bet your ass I would do it. I'm not going to flame you, I think your post has done that already.
Well I think that says a lot about you. I'm not going to flame you, I think your post has done that already.
And I agree with Korpo 100%. By the way, where the hell have you been?
Wed Oct 18, 2000 2:50 pm |
It says a lot about me and and a million others. Greed fuels success. Just look at the history books.
Wed Oct 18, 2000 6:10 pm |
quote: Originally posted by Bob:
Ghost, if there was a program out there that would let me download free cars and not get caught, you can bet your ass I would do it. I'm not going to flame you, I think your post has done that already.
Whats the URL to this free car site you speak of
Wed Oct 18, 2000 6:28 pm |