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who can you name
name all old war2 players you can think of. no matter thier background (skill/server), and give a brief reason why you remember them. _________________
Originally posted by KingHillBilly
I respect players like Chayliss
Originally posted by Fast Luck
Top quality trolling Chayliss. Hat tip to you
Originally posted by Sparkz102
also in this post - special shout out to my boy chay
Thu May 06, 2004 3:27 pm |
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hackrie - hacker
Thu May 06, 2004 4:26 pm |

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dakine - me
Thu May 06, 2004 5:07 pm |

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scrubbo - he posted earlier in this thread
Thu May 06, 2004 5:09 pm |
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GaNz - Never dodged.
Thu May 06, 2004 5:20 pm |
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i can't name everyone but maybe my favorite memory is probably playing COMP STOMP games with jrichey and unsuspecting newbies. we'd talk in exaggerated newbie-speak and cluelessness. something like "let us attack the northern front with our bravest soldiers" with mangled spelling. then we the computer died we'd have a peon powwow and make a silly accusation about how one of our allies betrayed the team and we'd kill them off like that one by one. stuff like that... ha :)
ok maybe it sounds stupid but i had a blast :P it was nice to play war2 and take it very unseriously :)
Thu May 06, 2004 5:29 pm |

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warman, dk isn't talking about when he actually WAS a newbie, hes talkin about when he and a friend pretended to be newbs and played in some compstomps with real newbs for fun.
you missed the point I think.
Thu May 06, 2004 6:23 pm |

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2ea$y - monster
PS: Chayliss did you change the password :O
Thu May 06, 2004 7:02 pm |
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Spudy- he beat Azteca 0 gold in a 9/11 war while talking shit the whole game. hehe
Ash - best anti dk i ever seen - farming off all paths and mad gt's with flyers and patrollers.
Tq- knew how to use dks well
kith-kanin- seen him win unwinnable games nobody else could have won. he survived a MAD 9 rax 2 haller with 3 guard towers and a couple lusted ogers after he got dkd like 3-4 times at 5 (his only mine). v.s. a pretty good player. You remember this kith?
Krypt - He sounds like he went thrue puberty twice and his girl was straight outa UglyVille. He drove 40 minutes to meet mystical at wendys to teach him warcraft, not knowing mystical was only joking. =(..
Yauyau, ws- Shown me some of the best late game i've ever seen.
Nalzy & Tick Some of the coolest personalites that always seem to amuse me . hehe
(Lets not forget Jay stalking Nalzymans girlfriend)
Sun May 09, 2004 4:37 pm |
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I always thought Nalzy had one of the shittiest personalities, much unlike Nerzy.
Someone that comes to mind is BlizZz. I remember allying him on zone and winning the #1 teams on zone only to have our teammates lose it before the night was over and then have us win it back ... the cycle repeated for close to a month.
Sun May 09, 2004 6:32 pm |

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Lemme think. I'm not "old school" or anything but here's my list.
Doritoe - Best player ever. My best war2 friend and ally. =)
Xslider - I loved him almost as much as he loved to jack off. Funny guy.
Nedro - Always up for a fun 1v1 on any map/res, and always put up a good fight and didn't talk smack.
Rounder63 - Nobody's level of shit talking and actual skill level were more off than him, but deep down inside he was a loving and hilarious player. =)
Mrqman - Listening to his accent over the voice chat on Heat was always amusing. Also a really goofy and cool guy.
Falkentyne - Biggest wuss ever. He cried every time he lost. =)
SRxSmile - He was always a fun guy to ally but he quit just when he started getting good. Boo =( _________________ Wartoo
Sun May 09, 2004 7:17 pm |

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Originally posted by Paper_Boy
Spudy- he beat Azteca 0 gold in a 9/11 war while talking shit the whole game. hehe
Yauyau, ws- Shown me some of the best late game i've ever seen.
i was basically on my way out of war2 when these two guys were probably at their best, so I was maybe playing 1 or 2 games a week, but I was pretty sure both of these dudes were l33t haxors. :-/ maybe i was wrong, anyone else confirm this?
Sun May 09, 2004 11:24 pm |
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DA_Mity1 and OriGiNaLiTy~ - the 2 greatest players of all time
Mon May 10, 2004 8:33 am |

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Originally posted by Picka_materina
i++ - dont know why, maybe because i was doing c then.
u forgot the ;
that guy was a fucktard
Mon May 10, 2004 9:32 am |

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Here's a few never mentioned people that I somehow remember for strange reasons:
thebondman with his #Clinton_SUX! channel (he was alone in this channel for several years in the war2 servers. I used to think he was a bot. I actually caught him a few times and chatted with him -- nice guy.)
-=qUeNCy95=- (unique name, and cause it was far past '95, and he still kept the name)
DiLLs (that boy ain't right)
Mon May 10, 2004 9:41 am |
Joined: 21 Sep 2001
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Originally posted by x
Here's a few never mentioned people that I somehow remember for strange reasons:
thebondman with his #Clinton_SUX! channel (he was alone in this channel for several years in the war2 servers. I used to think he was a bot. I actually caught him a few times and chatted with him -- nice guy.)
-=qUeNCy95=- (unique name, and cause it was far past '95, and he still kept the name)
DiLLs (that boy ain't right)
ya i remember those guys
thebondman wasn't always alone, from what i i remember there usually werw like 3-5 people in the channel
quency95 made that little rap song about war2
and i sorta remember dills (FearDaDiLLs)
also, TheBigThug, which was the kali bot in most of the channels. i remember one time someone actually got on the bot and started talking
and ~Meat used the nick CoolGuy lolz
lots of other people come to mind
Mon May 10, 2004 9:58 am |

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GimpX, Today GreenHorn and ~Prickle: He was #1 on IGL Singles Zone when I first signed up for the ladder way back. I played one of my first games against him and got runover big time.
Mephyst from Hells Wrath was the guy I played the first time. He obviously worked me since he was #2 IGL at the time. But I was proud to play my 2 first games against the 2 best zoners at the time. It helped me gauge my ability (to my own remorse ).
Snow_X had some fun games against this guy after bnet came out. Myself, Snow and Lothar_ZoNe were always top 3 IGL after bnet, and Snow and I had a fun 5 game series which i won, to take #1 IGL. Lothar challenged me the next day and I won again. Then I handed over #1 to Lothar, and quit IGL.
zDj - He was the first player to actually try and teach me the game. His team Devilz 666 was a group of average to above average zoners who taught me quite a bit. It was the first team i Joined. Played alot with Hughman, and LoCo, who were pretty good players at the time.
SI Stalin - First guy to mill me, what a wake up call that was. I always thought he was the best overall zoner, even though I think he started on Kali.
Bizatch - Even on zone when I barely knew him, he was the biggest joke around. Hours were spent chat raping this guy on zone by many a player, I often wondered why he kept logging in, when so many people wanted him to end his life. He's still here today, and little has changed, sadly.
Soth - Contrary to popular belief, one of the nicest guys in warcraft, and one of the most intelligent. He often covers his real personality with fake gayness, and overall stupidity. He sings "Heard it through the Grapevine" far too often. One of those guys who is a great friend if you tolerate the first 10 minutes of knowing him. _________________ We shall not cease from exploration, and the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time.
Mon May 10, 2004 2:53 pm |

Joined: 26 Feb 2003
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A few I remember:
I remember them mainly due to playing some fun water games and from C4L
MysticMage, first person I played on igl ladder
I played lots of 1v1s with all of the above and I think they were all in 36th chamber.
a few other DT people as well, played lots of 3v3.pud both with and against them.
Several of these people were in Shadow Council and Shen was akin to DethWlkr in general skill back then. 1v1 Vandal was one of the most innovative players I have played against.
Big Chief
Hopefully you all know the last two....The others are also from the same town and used to play frequently.
Just a few fun games on wierd maps at times.
Mainly because he tended to die in the first 5 minutes of every game I allied him leaving me to carry him....(for about a year and a half to two years)
He played nwtr all day long every day for ladder.
Pretty good friends players... and the Darius and Hunam are some of the nicest and most courteous players I have ever played with.
Really irritating no skilled mouthy individual!
I guess cause they are brothers and that stuck in my mind...
There are probably quite a few others, but I gotta jet so i'll post em later if I get around to it.
Mon May 10, 2004 5:23 pm |

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GaNzTheLegend - Greatest player of alltime.
Mon May 10, 2004 9:21 pm |

Joined: 23 Feb 2003
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Originally posted by GaNzTheLegend
GaNzTheLegend - Greatest player of alltime.
LOL, I thought I read gayest not greatest, THAT was funny.
Tue May 11, 2004 5:17 am |
Joined: 20 Dec 2000
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romkiz, freeflubber and Sspawn - we allied a lot
Nail^SoL -- he rushed the fuck outta me more then once
Tabac[man] -- I believe it was him who introduced me into 'real' war2
Kassa -- maybe not the greatest player, but almost always used a different strat
Chains^SoL -- nice battle reports 
Tue May 11, 2004 8:51 am |
Strapping Young Lad

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Tyrus - I owned him off IGL
Tue May 11, 2004 10:07 am |