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Joined: 14 Sep 2000
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BNET and its servers fucking blow
What amazes me is that Diablo 2 has been out for god knows how long, and the servers are no better off then they were when the game came out.
You figure with however many million they sold they could put some of that money back into the servers. I honestly don't know what's going on there.
I got a cool screenshot the other day of me, and 1 other person in War2. All the channels were empty except me and 1 guy in war2bne usa-1.
Sun Oct 15, 2000 2:47 am |
Joined: 20 Sep 2000
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Location: Fairchild AFB, WA |
BNET and its servers fucking blow
Shit I have been trying to get into a good Bnet server all day. At one time I see 2 people in the room, at other i see 20, but nobody sees me. Fuck bnet, they need to spend some money and get some new shit. Who wants to play on some shit, when they cant get in. I give up, there has to be somewhere else we can play together without dealing with this bnet shit. Ive been gone awhile so someone want to enlighten me?
Sun Oct 15, 2000 12:19 pm |
Joined: 23 Sep 2000
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BNET and its servers fucking blow
you have to connect to exodus or you wont see anyone. unfortunately it lags at times
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Sun Oct 15, 2000 12:28 pm |
BNET and its servers fucking blow
Due to the state of the techonology, I doubt Blizzard could significantly improve the server situation regardless of the money garnered by Diablo 2 sales. The reason for this is because all they could really do is add more servers. This sounnds like a solution to the dilemma, but more servers necessarily involves more communication. Thats where the problem resides now: The servers, located in different parts of the world, can't receive and process information within an amount of time that the client users seem reasonable.
For example, Player ArchAngel hosts a game on an exodus server located at Blizzard's HQ in southern California. Player Azteca tries to join his game, but connected to some crap server located in Maryland on start up. When Azteca tries to join Archy's game, Az's server has to send a request to Archy's server, and the information has to be relayed back and forth. The problem here is that sometimes, due to traffic and other reasons, the information gets delayed. Then take into acount that each of the servers is handling up to 100 such requests an hour and you understand why its almost impossible to keep up with demand. Note that this same transaction also takes place everytime someone types 1 line of chat in a chat room.
The more servers you implement, the more of such communications that must take place, and thus, more chaos.
Sups and shiat TQ, Buzz, and all my boys!
Thanks for the mail Mike...
Mon Oct 16, 2000 1:15 am |
BNET and its servers fucking blow
100 requests an hour should read 100 requests a second.
Mon Oct 16, 2000 1:17 am |
BNET and its servers fucking blow
Azteca... this is boy no means a flame... but for gods sake dont type so much. im lazy and i didnt read your post.
Mon Oct 16, 2000 7:32 pm |
Joined: 14 Sep 2000
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BNET and its servers fucking blow
What's up bro? Where have you been? I assumed that you were keeping an eye over this page because you randomly pop in and out with messages. I haven't been playing all that much lately. I might be moving to Tennessee for a job offer. I'd be living in the far east suburbs of Knoxville. Anyone from around there?
Anyway, I've gotta get going. Keep in touch man.
Mon Oct 16, 2000 8:11 pm |

Joined: 14 Sep 2000
Posts: 3772
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BNET and its servers fucking blow
I said...into the servers, not into more servers :P. Whatever it takes though, it hasn't been done.
They have no excuse imo. I have very little faith left in this company at all.
Mon Oct 16, 2000 9:11 pm |
Joined: 20 Sep 2000
Posts: 65
Location: Fairchild AFB, WA |
BNET and its servers fucking blow
In my opinion, they should not share bnet between all the games. Each game should have its own BNET. For instance war2 has its own BNET in which SC players couldnt access without going into the War2 Server, but could not play SC in the war2 server. Same with diablo and SC. The only problem with this is, people from SC talking to their friends in War2. But all they would need to do when starting BNET is pick their server to talk on or play on. They just have to pick an SC server to play SC. It would decrease the amount of people tremendously on war2.
Mon Oct 16, 2000 9:18 pm |