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war2 tournaments
Axolotl, you should host a 2v2 war2 tournament on this page? that would be cool? yes? I know?
Wed Oct 04, 2000 4:28 pm |

Joined: 15 Sep 2000
Posts: 4449
war2 tournaments
Penis Head (for all those of you who don't the joke, I call orkinman penis head until he stops calling me kenneth kannif),
Axo doesn't wanna start a tourney because there aren't enough people that visit this page. Maybe if we had EVERRRRRRRYONE on Battlenet, or if Blizzard would endorse this page on their forum or tourney site then it would be possible. We could try it and see how many people will join and stuff, but I doubt we'd have a good turn out. Besides, what the heck would we offer for prizes? Its not like he's making thousands of dollars off this site. Hehehe
Wed Oct 04, 2000 4:58 pm |

Joined: 18 Sep 2000
Posts: 5698
Location: Detroit, MI |
war2 tournaments
oh, its Kenneth Kaniff from connecticut do you accept?
ICQ: 15393260
Wed Oct 04, 2000 8:20 pm |
war2 tournaments
You don't have to know about this page to sign up at first, but there is a little thing called advertising that I hear works, such as in chat rooms? Therefore, if you advertise a 2v2 war2 tournament, then people will come to this page, and might just be a daily stop? I must be some kind of genious? yes? I know?
Thu Oct 05, 2000 9:58 pm |

Joined: 15 Sep 2000
Posts: 136
war2 tournaments
1 thing 1 could do is 2 do as all the other morons out there get a bot 2 advertise the page 4 u all. Then like put 1 in each bnet channel then no1 will miss it.
On the other hand XXX people will get pissed of but that's another story =).
Fri Oct 06, 2000 9:18 am |