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Joined: 14 Sep 2000
Posts: 1808
Location: Haarlem, the Netherlands |
After I bugged Blizzard once again about a patch for War II I got this reply today:
We are sorry for the delay, but presently the programmers and producers are
currently working on patches and fixes for Diablo II. When the issues
surrounding Diablo II are taken care of, then I'm sure that the issues
concerning WarCraft II will be addressed. Thank you for your patience.
Rick Sanford
Blizzard Entertainment Technical Support
Tue Oct 03, 2000 4:50 pm |

Joined: 15 Sep 2000
Posts: 4449
Well thats without a doubt the most honest reply. See look at it this way....the problems with Diablo 2 will NEVER be finished so therefore, there will never be a patch! hehehe
Tue Oct 03, 2000 5:21 pm |
I think Shlong really gives a damn about war2. I could be wrong but I think he does. Comes down to what makes the money for Blizzard. I bet there's alot of guys who played Diablo 1 & 2 and StarCraft who never tried war2. Well some SC guys tried war2 and got afraid. If they tried war2 and gave it a chance they'd be addicted like I've been for all these years. I have Brood Wars but it gets boring, so did Diablo. I wish war2 had a big community like the other games. Then maybe it'd get more attention. Oh well it's still blizzards #1 game I think.
Tue Oct 03, 2000 7:35 pm |
Joined: 02 Oct 2000
Posts: 1511
This is directly copied off Shlonglor's site, (, under work related questions.
"Job title, what exactly do you do?
From November 1, 1997 to June 1, 1998 I did Quality Assurance. Now I am a Web Designer. Web Designer is just a title, in addition to the Web page I do plenty of other things as to most other people at the company. My favorite is being on teams that decide the content of the game and also sending in suggestions on current versions of the games, and saying what works and what doesn't work in the same manner you used to see on my game pages. I've been lucky to see many of my suggestions, and corrections make it into the games. "
It's somewhat 'intresting'.
Wed Oct 04, 2000 11:32 am |