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Hardest Level 5 Rush...
I've been fooling around trying to find a hard level 5 grunt rush WITHOUT Peon stopping. I'm not concerned about lust, just I want to keep pumping Peons. Can anyone offer a good one? The hardest one (granted I only tried like twice) was going smith first and reaching level 5 (remember, I went smith first, so if you go rax first subtract 2 or 3) with 17 Grunts. Can anyone make more Grunts than that (Assume you lose only 1 Grunt before level 5 and then you are hit - so you need to have lots of Farms). Thanks...
Tue Jan 15, 2002 7:31 pm |
Hardest Level 5 Rush...
Also, what's the hardest level 3 rush you can think of (without Peon stopping)? It could be useful on GOW if you are 12 and the other guy draws 4 and moves to 5. Maybe you kill a scout grunt or two, and then rush him with level 3 and he's screwed..
Thu Jan 17, 2002 12:53 pm |
Joined: 11 Jul 2001
Posts: 155
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Hardest Level 5 Rush...
Long way to walk, especially if he sees you moving down as you kill his scout grunt.
If he 2 rax p stops, like some people do in this situation 12 vs 5, who's really screwed?
Fri Jan 18, 2002 2:50 am |
Hardest Level 5 Rush...
Just trust me on this...Does anyone have a good order? =/
Fri Jan 18, 2002 5:09 pm |

Joined: 16 Feb 2001
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Hardest Level 5 Rush...
I don't think anyone will trust you on it. The walk from 4 to 5 is far less than the walk from 12 to 5. Whatever edge you have at 12 is mininal against the guy who started at 4 and moved. It certianly isn't big enough to let you walk over him rushing.
Fri Jan 18, 2002 11:31 pm |
Hardest Level 5 Rush...
I didn't want to have to explain it...
The average person walks from 4 to 5, builds their hall to the right of the mine, and gets 1 Rax. He scouts 9 with 1 Grunt and then 12 with the next.
Meanwhile, at 12, you send TWO grunts to scout 9 (works good against a dualer) and then you scout down to 5 with 1. If you see his Grunt while scouting down to 9 then you run back to 12, get your 'pack' and attack his scout Grunt. Meanwhile, at 9, you 2on1 his scout Grunt and he dies. Now you are up 2 Grunts, you are hard lvl 3 rushing, and he moved from 4 to 5. You send all your Grunts to 5 and are up by atleast 3 Grunts (Assuming we can find a good order).
You kill his Grunts and have 3-4 left. Now you send another 4 down and start powering. All his Grunts come out and they get 3on1'd, 4on1'd, etc. He is fucked royally..
Now can someone please get me an order?
Sat Jan 19, 2002 12:38 pm |
Joined: 11 Jul 2001
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Hardest Level 5 Rush...
quote: Originally posted by SayWhat:
, you send TWO grunts to scout 9 (works good against a dualer) and then you scout down to 5 with 1. If you see his Grunt while scouting down to 9 then you run back to 12, get your 'pack' and attack his scout Grunt. Meanwhile, at 9, you 2on1 his scout Grunt and he dies. Now you are up 2 Grunts, you are hard lvl 3 rushing, and he moved from 4 to 5. You send all your Grunts to 5 and are up by atleast 3 Grunts
Now can someone please get me an order?
By the time you've moved back and forth between 9/12 over to 5 or whatever, he will have made a good assesment as to what you're planning. By either making a tower, or peon stopping, your oppponent could easily foil your plan. You also can't assume that most people 1 rax from 5. AND, you can't be totally sure to be up 3 grunts, especially since from the walk from 12 to 5, he could've had 1 grunt just finish, and another one made. And since he's scouted 12 by now, can easily choke off.
If this is 1v1, I wouldn't recommend cookbooking a rush. You could end up sacrificing your late game.
[This message has been edited by DS~Anomaly (edited 01-20-2002).]
Sun Jan 20, 2002 11:20 am |
Hardest Level 5 Rush...
Well, first off, just because you've 2 Grunt scouted 9 and killed his scout Grunt, it does not mean that he knows what you're doing. The 2 Grunts you kill will be equal to the 2 Grunts that he makes by the time you get there. You cannot Choke 5 with 5 Grunts, so he has to make a Cannon Tower, or have a pretty early 2nd Barracks. Most people DON'T have 2 Barracks at 5 immidiately. Some do, but it's rare. And so, you should be up by 3 Grunts atleast (since you are rushing as hard as possible to lvl 3 without Peon stopping) and you should have minimal economy loss since you did not Peon stop.
Now you can outlust him. Can someone please help me in coming up with an order?
Sun Jan 20, 2002 12:23 pm |
Hardest Level 5 Rush...
Don't listen to Anomoly, he obviously doesn't know the first thing about how to rush effectively. Now then, I don't understand how you can have trouble coming up with a good order yourself? If you don't want to peon stop, it's pretty obvious what you have to do.. normal 1 rax, 2nd rax on 3rd grunt, and just ckeep pumping. Otherwise you have to skip peons for at least a second. However, if you're not afraid of going 2 rax off the bat (which doesn't hurt at all from 12 because you can get away with lvl 3 rushing because of the choke), then go ahead and do it. Hall farm rax farm smith rax then gold and farms etc. Now, if he is 2, you are already in a prime situation to rape him with a 9 peon stop rush. If not, you just pump peons normally, and grunts when you can out of either rax. Now when you see him scouting at 9 and his grunt come form 5, you have 2 rax, and the option to skip a peon or two in order to get 2-3 more grunts (by skipping peons, you have the advantage of 400 more gold AND more farm space, which can be tight when you're 2 rax rushing). Now, if you do this, and he is 5 1 raxing, AND you killed his scouts, the odds are good that you can outrush him early and be patrolling his rax, especially if he moved from 4. However, I don't see how you could ever know if he moved from 4 unless you hack, so it would be hard to just "count" on it without scouting him (you said yourself you kill his scout grunts and just hit without scouting). Remember to immediately start making peons after you send your first wave of course, and then grunts accordingly, with peons having a higher priority. There is no "not peon stopping" 2 rax rush which is guaranteed to outrush a 1 rax at 5.
Peace and Love,
Tue Jan 22, 2002 12:39 pm |
Joined: 11 Jul 2001
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Hardest Level 5 Rush...
I know how to rush effectively. It just seems I have a tendency to visit these forums right before I go to sleep. (usually)
I admit, after reading back over some points I made.. they're crapish.
Wed Jan 23, 2002 9:21 pm |
Joined: 07 Mar 2002
Posts: 36
Location: Tacoma, WA, United States |
Hardest Level 5 Rush...
Ash- what are your thoughts on the lvl 3 then 2 rax strats?
Thu Mar 07, 2002 10:32 pm |