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Good 2/12 rushes
I hate to give out my strategies but... eh what the hey, you all could use em. These are both peon stop rushes for 2/12. One is a smith first rush, which i generally use from 2. The other is a classic keui, which i commonly use from 12.
The first one is pretty simple, and i only use it from 12(it doesn't work well from 2 because 12's choke is near their rax)
It's pretty simple, hall farm rax farm smith rax. Stop peons at 9, and stop farms at 4. You want to stand in his choke with your first 3-4. If he isn't choked, stand where he would 4v3 so that you have a 4v4, and he can't setup choke. Keep sending your grunts to the choke. When ur units to about 15-16 in the farm count, go in and attack, and make another farm. This should rape him.
If he is choked at 2 when you send your first 4, you should have sent your first 3. Anyway, it will behoove you to simply break the choke by targeting the middle grunt. You'll actually come out about even since you focused your attack and he didn't. After you break the choke you should be able to overrun him because he won't have 2 rax pumping (unless he peon stopped as well).
From 2:
Smith first rush. Hall farm smith farm rax rax. Also stop peons at 9, and farms at 4. Attack as soon as you hit lvl 3, and make another farm. He won't be lvl 3 for a good 10-20 seconds later, so break his choke.
If your ally is dualing, I recommend the first rush, even if you are at 2, except defend, don't attack.
These rushes aren't unbeatable, but a large number of the time you will kill your opponent on the first wave, causing both him and his ally to leave the game. It's also not impossible to win if they stop you early w/o peon stopping. One time I beat cloud=x= after he got an early mill and cats and I stopped making peons for at least 2 minutes.
Go forth, my children, and rape.
Peace and Love,
Thu Dec 13, 2001 5:52 am |
Good 2/12 rushes
non reparing rushes at 12 or 2 will get owned by this rep 2 rax rush.
this strat i only do if its 4x4 or if 2 or 12 peon scouts me or if u pray 4 having a neighbor. well first hall farm, rax farm rax and peon 4 rep first rax. and when rax is finish, rep secound rax with those 2 peons. make grunts/peons (on gold) constanty, then u have 3 grunts and 2 coming, attack. after that attack stop making peons and build more grunts nonstop. owned.
u wont need many farms so put it at gold pretty soon.
Thu Dec 13, 2001 10:32 am |
Joined: 25 Nov 2001
Posts: 446
Good 2/12 rushes
Hey thanks alot Ash. I've always done a 1-rax rep rush from 12/2. Heh maybe that's why I keep loosing. =/
Thu Dec 13, 2001 12:52 pm |
Joined: 23 Sep 2000
Posts: 3143
Good 2/12 rushes
Yeah, I have to agree with Ash. Ash, when do you do the 2 strat? It is going to slow you even if you don't Peon stop if you make 2 raxes right away (and he may not be 12 in a 1on1 or 2on2). Do you just make 2 raxes and not make Grunts from them or something?
I have a similar rush I do from 2 in 4on4s, but it's a little bit harder, faster. It beats the level 1 rush all the time. Anyways, give me an example of when you would use these rushes in 1on1s or 2on2s. Thanks a lot..
BTW..The smith first rush has a hard time with level 1 rushes - using farms to mess his patrol up, etc, is crucial.
Thu Dec 13, 2001 5:23 pm |
Good 2/12 rushes
bizatch, do not respond with such assinine newbie questions. If you are making 2 rax right away it is for a reason such as your ally is dualing and/or you are expecting a neighbor. If you dont have a neighbor of course do not just mindlessly pstop and pump from 2 rax. Don't be an idiot. Since you are so good at resource management why are you asking such a dumb question? Oh and whoever registered my name, fuck off.
Thu Dec 13, 2001 5:55 pm |
Joined: 23 Sep 2000
Posts: 3143
Good 2/12 rushes
Well, he said "when your ally is dualing, even if you are at 2, do the keui rush" which made me question when to do the blacksmith first rush. Also, I'm trying to help out others on this board by asking questions for them..
Thu Dec 13, 2001 6:24 pm |
Good 2/12 rushes
in 1v1, i would never do a p stop at 2. I do once in awhile at 12. I I don't have to peon stop until i already know if they are next to me, so if they aren't next to me, no biggie, i just don't train grunts right away. I just pump peons. If I'm at 12 and do the keui, I can have 4 grunts real fast while not stopping peons, so if they are s9 rushing and my ally is 5 we always rape. I normally set up to do a p stop rush in almost every 2v2, and if it's clear i simply only produces grunts when it doesn't conflict with peons.
Peace and Love,
Thu Dec 13, 2001 7:23 pm |
Joined: 11 Oct 2001
Posts: 47
Good 2/12 rushes
Ah, forgive my ignorance, is keui the name of the person that invented the rush or something else?
Thu Dec 13, 2001 10:48 pm |
Joined: 23 Sep 2000
Posts: 3143
Good 2/12 rushes
Keui is a guy who would Peon stop rush I believe.
Thu Dec 13, 2001 11:21 pm |
Good 2/12 rushes
Please, you know nothing. Your repairing is cancelled out by the fact that you have to travel to attack. Someone who used my rush will have at least 1 grunt, and 2 more on the way, and peons rape lvl 1 grunts, however i will not need to use peons. If you do this against the smith first rusher, you'll get totally creamed, as he wil lbe lvl 2 with his first grunt, and have 2 grunts coming while you hit him with lvl 1. If you think that a lvl 1 rush will beat the keui go ahead and test it with a friend. Like i said, if you outnumber him early, he just uses peons and once he is lvl 2 or 3 you're totally fucked.
Peace and Love,
Fri Dec 14, 2001 1:03 am |
Good 2/12 rushes
quote: Originally posted by BiZaTcH:
Keui is a guy who would Peon stop rush I believe.
I don't know where the term originated, i ripped it off of incin/tiller, but i use it to mean a 9 peon stop rush.
Peace and Love,
Fri Dec 14, 2001 1:31 pm |
Joined: 21 Sep 2001
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Good 2/12 rushes
lvl 1 rushes seldom work in general anyway, especially in 4v4s because it is expected and easily counterable
and under no circumstances will a lvl 1 rusher beat a keui
i remember you doing that smith first rush from 12 when you were allying me ash, hehe even though i was doubtful it turned out working well that game at least
Fri Jan 11, 2002 12:08 pm |
Joined: 27 Oct 2001
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Good 2/12 rushes
quote: Originally posted by BiZaTcH:
I have a similar rush I do from 2 in 4on4s, but it's a little bit harder, faster. It beats the level 1 rush all the time. Anyways, give me an example of when you would use these rushes in 1on1s or 2on2s. Thanks a lot..
BTW..The smith first rush has a hard time with level 1 rushes - using farms to mess his patrol up, etc, is crucial.[/B]
What is your rush from 2 on 4on4s? And can I use it from 12 as well or is it specifically made for 2?
Where do you put your farms that mess his patrol up? at 12 primarily, thanks.
Tue Jan 22, 2002 9:01 pm |
Joined: 12 Feb 2002
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Good 2/12 rushes
You keep losing on 1 rax cause you gotta be quicker on 1 and it takes more time. Thats why you need to 2rax most of the time. Tight huh?
Tue Feb 12, 2002 3:12 pm |