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Joined: 20 Dec 2001
Posts: 18
Location: wylie, tx, 75098 |
Guys I need help with my gaming... +(
If any of you guys has some good strats that they would like to give me I would appriciated that a lot... I play new/gow/f and I'm starting to like old/gow/ef... So if you can send me some good strats to that would be good. Thx guys =(
Sun Dec 23, 2001 5:46 pm |
Guys I need help with my gaming... +(
The best strat you could ever know to be good at old gow ef is :
Rule # 1. play 7 days a week at least 8 hours per day
Rule #2. Refer back to rule # 1
Mon Dec 24, 2001 10:29 am |
Joined: 20 Dec 2001
Posts: 18
Location: wylie, tx, 75098 |
Guys I need help with my gaming... +(
Adfsf... unlike you I dont play the computer 7 days a week 24 hours a day... I dont think anyone else does either. But whats yur name on b-net? And I still need some help with my gaming!!!
Mon Dec 24, 2001 2:52 pm |
Joined: 26 Dec 2001
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Location: Atlanta GA, USA |
Guys I need help with my gaming... +(
I don't have any "strats" persay to send you via email, but message me on and i'll help as best I can by allying you and showing you a few things.
Wed Dec 26, 2001 5:58 pm |
Guys I need help with my gaming... +(
Trust me when some of those people on bnet that R really good, they are so good cus they spent lots and lots of time on the game. For example, take the legendary shit talker, hacking ass Archie- HE DROP OUT OF HIGH SCHOOL CUS OF WARCRAFT. Don't get me wrong, even though he hack back then .. not sure if he hacks now... but he was pretty good. If only he put a d*ck in he mouth.. I might even like him. Well, maybe not he hacks.
Fri Dec 28, 2001 1:25 am |
Joined: 20 Dec 2001
Posts: 18
Location: wylie, tx, 75098 |
Guys I need help with my gaming... +(
Adfsf I know that people play this game 24/7 but I'm not one of those people... C'mon people give me some good strats that I can use and that could work...
Mon Jan 07, 2002 7:50 pm |
Guys I need help with my gaming... +(
what killerpeon are you kp?i will shwo you a sweaat dk rush and a good 1 raxer
Sat Feb 02, 2002 5:17 pm |