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The Theory of Relativity
It's fine that many people have specific build orders and pre-determined strategies. Having a plan and executing it well can give a good sense of accomplishment. However, I play on the fly based on too many factors to name. Does anyone else play this way? I know a few of you from kali who do. Here are some examples of why I bring this topic up (besides being bored).
It's nice when a seasoned vet gives a newer player some tips on order and other basics. Like build more peons and the like. Newer players should also realize the only way to enhance your game even further is to develop your own style.
Players ask what's good to do on so and so map, but it is a bit different for everybody. Of course on some maps a certain approach weighs in heavily over another and most of the time it's just more valid to take that route (ex: rushing on pos).
Of course I'm not here preaching. It's just many a new player, or even a player who has been around a while seems to throw the same hand on the table all the time. Someone may ask, "should I hard rush? 2 rax? 1 rax leveled? Wall in and Upgrade?" All relavant. Is it 2v2? 1v1? 3v3? Where's your ally in respect to your own town and the enemies? Is it water? Is it a rushers map (open plains)?
Is it not more effective to sea rush on say HSC in a 3v3 rather than a 1v1? In 1v1 valuable time may be wasted locating them. In 3v3 you know by process of elimination where you can drop off a screaming fast 6man lvl 3 sea grunt rush without having scouted. **I know this is self explanatory to most people so save your put downs, I'm just making a point**
I've always seen alot of 1st peon does this 2nd one does this etc... That's great but I hope some players don't put too much cash into that stuff. Depending on map, who your ally is, who your enemy is, how many players, your race (some will disagree here, oh well), your ally or enemies race, your location, res, speed (BEST E EF! hehe), and EVEN how you feel that day... ever tried hard rushing when it's cold in your house and your fingers feel like fish sticks?
Basically what I'm getting at is playing on the fly. Players who play a great improvisional game are not only more impressive, but better over all players. Even on maps they don't know. So just set them peons FREE! FREE DA PEONS! It's ok to put peons from gold to wood and vice vers if it suits your purpose. Why does peon 1 have to make a farm?! Was he sold into slavery? Let him sodomize critters or something.
Hmm ok I got carried away there. He's better of making that first farm. Just keep an open mind war2ers, it's more fun, and it makes you better.
Sun Nov 26, 2000 11:56 am |
The Theory of Relativity
nicely put...
good advice from a (very) good player!
hope to see you back on war2 soon.
Fri Dec 01, 2000 6:35 am |
Joined: 23 Oct 2000
Posts: 13
The Theory of Relativity
Jza- hah! That thing about the cold house is SO true. My family refuses to turn the heat on in my house. I've had days where I've got three pairs of socks on, two pairs of sweatpants, a long-sleeved shirt, and a robe. Playing War2 in gloves@bad idea. Never tried it, don't plan on it, but yes, I HAVE tried to rush when my fingers felt like fishsticks. It doesn't work, but I'm trying to develop a fishstick rush. If you want to help, just let me know.
Sat Dec 02, 2000 2:05 am |
The Theory of Relativity
"I'm trying to develope a fishstick rush"
That made me genuinely laugh. Hilarious... good luck on your Fish-Style of war2.
Sat Dec 02, 2000 12:19 pm |
The Theory of Relativity
1 more thing.... B = Big-B?? I miss you guys, and I will be back.
Sat Dec 02, 2000 12:22 pm |
The Theory of Relativity
yep it's me, big-b =)
looking forward to it bro.
Sun Dec 03, 2000 4:19 am |
Joined: 04 Oct 2000
Posts: 157
Location: Centreville, Va |
The Theory of Relativity
jza i play like that as well. not only do i play very improvisationally but also i consider myself a counter player so maybe if i find them rushing i will stick up a tower and lust up. anyway i am tired. cookbooking blows and anyone who does it will never be able to compete with the best unless you put hours and hours into your cookbooks refining them and even still then... no.
Sun Dec 03, 2000 2:46 pm |
super radish
Joined: 16 Sep 2000
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The Theory of Relativity
While what you say about devoloping your own style is rather true, i think that when people get enough experience they end up doing stuff with the same peons over and over when they're doing certain strats.
A good example would be a 14 or 15 peon power... most of the time i end up with 6 peons on wood, mill before smith, smith goes on the wallin, rax stays inside... blah blah
doesn't change much.
Or a rep rush... you can't really alter those much once you figure them out.
I don't think learning "X peon does this" works, but in the end.. its what you do.
Sun Dec 03, 2000 7:19 pm |