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countering dualing
Ok, this is on GOWbne. Every time i play about 50% of the games my opponent would try to dual. What should i do if they did? More specifically, what's the beginning strat that is most flexible in countering any type of strat? When i see a dualer, i usually try to build 2nd rax hidden by their town and try to cat them. But what happens is that i might of scouted them too late and they like have ogres already...
Sun Nov 05, 2000 7:46 pm |
countering dualing
You usually only make a hidden rax if you scouted with a peon and found them EARLY.If you're not dualing yourself,then repair rush.Axolotl wrote a bunch of strategy guides explaining how to do it.Read all of the stuff thats been posted about it.
Sun Nov 05, 2000 9:45 pm |
countering dualing
I don't really see any topics on countering dualing besides this one.
But... please clue me in though
Mon Nov 06, 2000 2:33 pm |

Joined: 15 Sep 2000
Posts: 4449
countering dualing
If you scouted them too late and they have ogres already then you've lost.
So first step is to start scouting earlier. Send yer first peon to the starting spot beside you, and then across the map. Then send your first grunt to the next farthest spot. ie: say yer 4, scout 5 with peon, then 9 and 11. First grunt 6 and 8, peon goes to 12/2. Then once you find them attack for a bit so they get D. Do your two cat rush. Axo will have a few two cat rushes up shortly, he's just finishing up some exams.
Mon Nov 06, 2000 5:30 pm |
Joined: 23 Sep 2000
Posts: 3143
countering dualing
i have found that on gowbne u can usually 2 rax 2 cat lvl 4 grunt rush and then either immidiately take out their hall (if you think u can) with the ogres, and then u will definately win, because next you shift to the other hall, or you can take out the hall without the ogres, which usually has mound/smith, etc. power up to fort, get lust/dks, and you have a good chance.
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Mon Nov 06, 2000 10:09 pm |

Joined: 14 Sep 2000
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countering dualing
GowBNE is a 2 hallers dream. It is, trust me.
Every corner is easily dualed, and walled, and defended.
Now if you are going to rush on this map there are some really important things you have to do if you want to stop this.
1)Peon scout if you know they will 2 hall. Even if they aren't in the corner they are in, it eliminates 1 possibility of where they are.
2)Repair rush. You should be doing this even if you don't peon scout. You want to be all over their wallin before they can get gold going. If you don't repair rush you probably have already lost.
3)Kill one of their cities before fort. If you don't, you will just be getting out-resourced by too much. If you want to be fast with catapults, build your 2nd barracks at his base and build a cat there (1st cat comes from home earlier). OR chop rush or archer rush, or sap or do something. Just don't let them sit there building.
Tue Nov 07, 2000 3:26 pm |