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pos strategy
n pos on high res ,best thing is to 1 rax rush.cuz if he is powering u can keep up pretty easy with his ogres if u only lets say wasted on 6 grunts.besides that ,u can expand earlier than him and since mined r small on pos expansiions are damn important.
if enemy 2 rax rush ya hard just wall off and build a cat and power to ogres ,and if u can,get an expansion AFTER upgrading to hold,otherwise u get ogres to late.
another thing that may work if hes powering and u rushing is to not let him expand and prevent him from attacking u by setting up gaurd towers outside his base,important!dont put towers in range from where cat can hits em.pump alot of grunts to kill any cats ,since its prolly its defended by his ogres by this time.and dont let him expand either,by checking all mines.and if hes lucky and got an exp with walled off tower,just put up a cannon out side in tha range to attack his mine peons-and he get no gold.but dont forget to built up ure own base during focusing on this stuff.pump peons,upgrade and expand early,as u always should do on pos.
my english sux ;(
Wed Oct 11, 2000 6:01 am |
Joined: 16 Sep 2000
Posts: 61
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pos strategy
Naw its decent
BUt most of us americans talk like idiots ovr the net so it sounds pretty much the same. DUnno bout the guard towers holdin em in. But i figure ill just lvl3 2 rax rush with quik expansion with about 15k left in mine and if he powers just out number him with grunts+ogres since your behind or whutever and out expand.
"dot dot dot"
Wed Oct 11, 2000 8:22 am |
pos strategy
nah. pos ya gotta rush hard, cause its not hard to beat a dual on this map. I would reccomend 1-rax-repair with a 2nd following at about 5-6 grunts. Or else 1 rax-non-repair and a 2nd following at about 3 grunts. If hes powering u can a) sapp him at his main or b) ot him. (option (b) seems to work better for me. or c) u can 2 cat him.
Um also, I have found that its better to get rax b4 smith on PoS since early scouting seems to be more important than the faster upgrade. Kith tell me if i wrong about any of this but i think its ok.
- SaBiQ
Wed Oct 11, 2000 10:26 am |

Joined: 15 Sep 2000
Posts: 4449
pos strategy
Thats fine Sabiq. Sometimes though you can't really ot any of his bases effectively (say he cats and cannons his dual). But early scouting usually will let you be able to rape duals and have ot's on him before he can do anything about it. Pos 1v1 is really not a good dual map. There's too much chance involved in it.
Wed Oct 11, 2000 2:37 pm |
pos strategy
sabiq:whats the point by repairing a rax on such a big map as pos?its better to let those peons catch gold which gives ya more money for grunts later .
on pos its better to build smith first cuz its a big pud with lotsa scouting,when he found ya with his first grunt (if early)he got another one in his base and u just got ure grunt number 1,and u got lvl2 also..setup second rax and prioritate grunts like this: 2 grunts-1peon-2grunts-1peon ..then u attack exactly when u got lvl 4.he prolly got less grunts ,if he normal rushes and one level less.his owned.if he has a cannon put some guards outside his base (prefer his raxes)and check da mines.....
btw repairing fucks ure "wood needs "up when to upgrade to lvl 4 and to afford farms.
Wed Oct 11, 2000 4:09 pm |
Joined: 11 Oct 2000
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Location: Providence, Rhode Island |
pos strategy
Thats good against a rusher, but what if hes powering? The longer you wait the better a chance he has time to close his dual. And if he can close/def. his dual thats at least a double headache for you
[This message has been edited by SaBiQ (edited 10-11-2000).]
Wed Oct 11, 2000 6:24 pm |
Joined: 09 Oct 2000
Posts: 30
pos strategy
me and my cousin used to sapper rush people on pos. It was d@mn fun. We would build in middle by the mines, get keep early and go straight for sappers. a lot of people dont protect their hall well, so our first sapper attack would take their halls. it was way fun.
[This message has been edited by kamoko (edited 10-11-2000).]
Wed Oct 11, 2000 10:31 pm |
pos strategy
I'm thinking your basically right Sabiq. On pos rush.
Thu Oct 12, 2000 12:49 am |
Joined: 23 Sep 2000
Posts: 3143
pos strategy
can any1 find a *good* rush for POS? just get a lot of grunts with however many peons u need....
i've got decent rushes, but nothing really spectacular, like paper's friends rush
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Thu Oct 12, 2000 10:49 am |