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rushing vs dual gowbne
ok say i am rushing outta one rax. he is dualing so i dont make defensive tower. i have grunts to make him get defense and repair both, then i set up 2 ct's 6 spaces from wallin. do i have to go saps, cuz i always feel ill screw it up. id rather get lust. if i start putting peons on wood say 13+ or when i have res can i go lust. i also put up mill b4 hold. the 2 cts should bother him making him get cat, and the level 3 or 4 grunts should also put him back. if u cant rush/lust vs a dual, could u tell me the proper way to sapp.
Sat Sep 30, 2000 11:32 am |

Joined: 14 Sep 2000
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rushing vs dual gowbne
When I 2 hall on GoWbne, I like it better when people try to get lust with me. It just doesnt work and they get run over.
You HAVE to hurt them. Makig them get a little defense doesnt slow them down. They have 2 halls to your 1. The longer you let them go, the more you are behind.
You have to either
a)get in with your grunts and cannon towers
b)get in with a cat or 2 yourself
c)use a sap.
In each case you have to kill one base, or cripple it. Killing the peons isn't enough. You need to raze buildings as well. Option c is usually too slow.
I'll be doing a quick qotd on a 2 cat rush by Kiths request.
Sat Sep 30, 2000 1:57 pm |
rushing vs dual gowbne
I suggest either sap or hard grunts leveled and early as poss with an axethrower. Never doubt the power of the Axethrower. Vs an effecient 2 haller, by the time you have 2 cats and a decent amount of men the only thing you'll be letting out is his ogres. Also don't forget to check every angle.. Ot + hop in ot. OT and cut in. Gotta exploit every weakness. If someone 2 halled and you didn't, you gotta be smart and on your game, unless his unit use really sucks, your ass is grass. Hehe, que all the dumb responses now...
Sat Sep 30, 2000 3:11 pm |
super radish
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rushing vs dual gowbne
rushing vs a 2hall on gowbne is a pain, because people are always building towers or cats to fight off your grunts. What you have to do is cat them, or tower them. I prefer catting because they're somewhat more dynamic than a tower...
the biggest problem people have with cats, besides how long they take to build, is getting them to your enemy's base. They just take forever.
What i do when i'm gonna rush someone is i peon scout, to see what they are doing. When i see a 2hall or a power i know i gotta really slam them hard or i'm dead...
so you take your peon that you scouted with, and hide a rax right by their base. This way, you can get a cat there real quick, usually by the time you get enough grunts there.
One thing to remember when you're catting with a rush is your mill.. most people go hall farm rax farm smith farm farm rax or some such garbage (4 grunt 2nd rax)
the reason most people lose with a rush is because they build all those grunts and then they meet towers or cats and have no way to fight back. you're taking a huge chance if you dont have a way to tower or cat them.
if you notice they have no towers or cats, and are just repairing, then you have to whip out a few axethrowers from your hidden rax and nail the peons. If you don't, then they'll be able to repair a guard tower or pop a cat out themselves, even a couple axethrowers will fend off grunts.
Most people go for that balance when you're killing a building.. where the hps neither go up nor down... so 1 peon dead will usually cave their wallin.
if you insist on towering, and your peon scout dies.. you gotta make sure you have a peon out :P
Of course, ax is right.. you HAVE to kill or cripple... but if your initial rush of like 12 grunts fails.. you're prolly better off going keep and getting an exp, because they're gonna have ogres in a few minutes after your rush dies.
Sat Sep 30, 2000 6:04 pm |
rushing vs dual gowbne
yo axo what u think about that hidden rax thing? if they dont get protection just use axers if they do use one cat?
Sun Oct 01, 2000 5:14 am |
super radish
Joined: 16 Sep 2000
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rushing vs dual gowbne
axo SHOWED me the hidden rax thing
i DO know what i'm talking about, sometimes
Sun Oct 01, 2000 4:01 pm |
rushing vs dual gowbne
lets say im a moron so be specific. u hide a rax at their base and make 1 cat at that one and one at home? or 2 cats from the hidden and grutns from home? the peon u scout with is the one who made the rax?
Sun Oct 01, 2000 4:34 pm |

Joined: 14 Sep 2000
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rushing vs dual gowbne
Yep sounds find chalupa.
That is a variation on the 2 cat rush that gets 2 quicker cats with a few less grunts.
It's good.
Sun Oct 01, 2000 5:49 pm |