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Joined: 19 Sep 2000
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This is a real specific question here guys..I know you don't want questions that aren't helpful to others, but I'm really having trouble with this. When I'm playing 6 on gow, it seems that I die no matter what I do. Here's some instances. I go to s9 and dual. Maybe it's just my dualing, but the other player seems to get me early on, and if he doesnt I get mad out lusted or out resourced. Or he ends up being s9 and I die. I've gone to s9 from 6 a bunch of times, and every time someone else is there I die. So my other options are middle, s5, or staying. If I go middle, im clueless to a strat. I played tick from there 1vs1, and scouted 11/9 12/2 and 4/5 for a place to tower. By the time I found him at 5 it was clearly hopeless. If I rush from middle im at a distinct disadvantage from all the walking my peon had to do. s5 just sucks. If 4/5 is clear, then whatever I try to do a 2 hall, power, ogre rush..I used to stay at 6, but christ. I can barely get lust in time to stay alive. I know 6 has somewhat slow gold, and a 1 rax rush is probably better. I just dont see why I'm doing so poorly there. Perhaps one of you guys knows some begotten tip that makes 6 a useful position. Thanks
Mage Guild
Tue Sep 19, 2000 3:59 am |
super radish
Joined: 16 Sep 2000
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i'm kinda curious...
by 6 do you mean teh spot immediately to the left of red (bot right) or the one left of that spot?
and what is s9?
or s5?
this is confusing technobabble to me
if you clear it up i can help a bit, i think
Tue Sep 19, 2000 9:32 am |

Joined: 15 Sep 2000
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First off, 6 is not a good spot as anyone can tell you. Moving to s9 is really your only option, try for a dual at 9 with a cat. ts not a great strat but comapred to all your other options its the best one you have. As far getting smoked to lust, expect it. 30k duals are crap. If you win from s9 and someone is 2 or 12, then you got lucky....or they suck.
Tue Sep 19, 2000 10:30 am |
Joined: 14 Sep 2000
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Keep 6 and rush. The secret is not building grunts right away and instead, build several peons and put them on gold first. No need to send peons behind you early to block for a tower either, instead, every few minutes direct a peon to move to the spot right under the gold mine. Then move him to the spot directly above the mine. If there are any enemy buildings going up, you will see them on your screen, and in the mini-map. I like to go something like TH, F, B, F, BS and repair the smith and begin upgrades right away. If you want to make just 1 grunt for scouting, I suggest doing it. Other than that, wait until you have about 10 or so peons on gold before you actually start producing grunts. Just give it a try some time. I will post something with screen shots sometime in the future. I'm on a lunch break for work right now so I gotta go, good luck.
Tue Sep 19, 2000 1:25 pm |

Joined: 14 Sep 2000
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Through my war2 'career' I've had some pretty drastic playing styles from this spot. I started off staying has a newbie, and expected it to be as good. I went through the move to s6 stage until I realized that it was impossible to defend 4 different wallins.
Now I either, go to s9 and tower/peon war. Stay at 6 and defend rush (light rush), or go to middle and rush heavy.
I used to think that having your hall 2 back at 6 compared to other mines, made it way slower, but it isn't that bad. I have a very very sweet 1 hall/1 rax defend rush setup that I'll do for spot of the day.
Tue Sep 19, 2000 5:34 pm |
super radish
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yeah 1 rax or heavy rush with delayed grunt production :(
you can pump outta 2 barracks if you hold off a bit, instead of 4 grunt 2nd rax...
when you set up the 3v2 or whatever it is, dont forget to have an extra supply of grunts handy behind the 3v2... or else you'll get a grunt-sized hole and lose some peons, which isn't something you want, considering how far the hall is from the mine.
Tue Sep 19, 2000 6:53 pm |

Joined: 18 Sep 2000
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okay super radish, you were asking what s9 and s5 were...
s9 refers to 'small 9' or 8 30k, its the little 30k mine between 9 (left middle) and 8 (bottom left).
then the next spot to the right is 6 (i think starting default color is green).
then between 6 and 5 (starting color blue) is s5...
Many players will move from 8 to s9 or middle... because of being screwed over by the road that limits your building placements...
Also, a couple players think its good to move from 6 to s5, but the rest of us think its crap cause its impossible to defend, especially if your opponent is at 5 or 4
Hope this helped a bit
P.S. hey guys, how about the good old stay at 8 and 2 hall at 8 with taht chop
that was a mad good strat, and will occasionally still work since alot of people just dont scout 8 anymore
Wed Sep 20, 2000 4:33 pm |

Joined: 14 Sep 2000
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I actually prefer chopping the tree immediatel compared to the 2 hall. I will eventually cover both possibilities in spot of the day.
Wed Sep 20, 2000 6:30 pm |
Joined: 19 Sep 2000
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I do a wicked 2 hall rush from 8 =p It works great because, like Sypher says.. people dont check 8, at least not right away. If more ppl stayed at 8 and did chops, or 2 halls, or whatever, then people would check it more often. Also, I don't think s5 is so bad when the opponent is 4 or 5. I usually rep my mill at s5 and go tower 4/5 up the ...behind. If it's clear, depending on where my ally is, I can put up defensive towers for him, or go rax s9, or cat 9..I just dont think of all these things when im s5 heh.
Mage Guild
Wed Sep 20, 2000 8:05 pm |