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Recommendations for the server etiquette
Common recommendations, for chat and server the whole
1. Read these recommendations and the server rules and learn it carefully.
The rules ignorance is not an excuse for violating them
2. Users must show mutual respect for each other.
This is the main point, covering all the other points of these recommendations and the server rules.
3. If you have some trouble with software working on the server, report to admins by the forum, or whisper that to any admin on the server.
4. If you have a conflict with another person on the server, try to understand him and explain your point to him.
Don't insult to anybody, that never helps you to explain your point and it never helps people to repsect each other.
If somebody violates the server rules or these recommendations, it could not be a reason to insult him too.
5. You can complain for somebody disturbing your interests to administration privately.
Be ready you and him would be checked.
6. You can discuss something or somebody you see as a problem on the public forum. Then hide the name of the discussed person if it's possible to understand your point wothout discovering his/her name.
7. Assert things only if you are 100% sure it's truth.
Apologize to the person been insulted/slandered by you as soon as you see you was wrong, if it happens.
That helps you to keep youself honest and helps him/her to respect you.
8. If you see some good idea from somebody, keep his name while publishing that idea to others.
That will help for mutual respect between you and idea's author.
9. Have respect for administration and more experienced people as long as they accord these rules and your good conscience.
Playing recommendations, while joining and playing the game
1. Obey the server host: the game creator.
Do what he tells to you until that contradicts these rules, recommendations and your conscience.
If he asks you to be a watcher, you must accept or leave the game.
Recommendations for watchers listed below.
2. You can pause the game if you need, but don't do that for a long time (more then 1-2 minutes) and warn berofe unpause.
Don't pause the game if you can play. Pausing is very annoying.
3. Don't unpause the games paused by others unless the pauser asks about that.
4. You can ask SS if you think somebody is hacking, but don't do that with no reason.
Asking SS is annoying and looks like some kind of disrespect and discredit.
If someone asks SS from you, you must do it.
Read about requesting and replying SS in section below.
5. Don't attack your allies.
6. Don't occupy the territory your ally just cleared for himself.
7. If you are going to lost and exit the game because someone attacking you last building and you have allies, so the game is not finished, you may ask to leave a building to let you watch.
Then you have appoximately the same rights, as if you'd be exit the game:
Unvis to everyone, stop talking and helping to everyone. Same as wacther, except you must surrender and exit if your team looses.
8. If someone asks to leave building to stay in game as a watcher, would be good to to that. Just tell him to unvis to all.
9. If you obviously loosing the game, exit the game as soon as possilbe. Until opponent destroys all your buildings. Structure destroying for dead player is very annoying. Respect your opponent and his time.
10. If you are lagging in game and others include your allies asks you to exit, do that even if you take loss.
Your lagging is mainly your problem and could not be a reason to ruin the game for others.
Watching recommendations, while joining and watching the game
1. Obey the server host: the game creator.
Do what he tells to you until that contradicts these rules, recommendations and your conscience.
If he asks you to be a watcher, you must accept or leave the game.
If he asks you to play, you must accept or leave the game.
2. Ask to watch while joining the game.
Then you don't need to answer any questions like "s9", just type "watcher?" If the game host accepts, you watching.
Set up the race different from players. If all(or most) of them play orcs - set human.
3. Obey the all players in game. They just let you to watch their game. Do what they asks.
Remember, the best watcher is invisible watcher. You shouldn't eighter help or disturb to anyone playing. So, keep your peon as far as you can. Don't let players to even see it.
Don't interfere to the game balance.
4. So, the game began.
Set Allied Victory and Allies to everyone in game.
You can do it any moment you wish during the game, so i recommend to set Allies+AV as soon as the game started. Othewise you can forget to do it and the game will not be finished when lost team leaves.
5. About vision:
Here are 2 options on game types: TVB and melee.
If you watch melee, vision if switched off to all players, so, you are done. Never switch it on and you will be ok.
If you watch TVB, your team see your peon, but your opponents don't. Disbalanse. You have to do 2 things:
- set vision to everyone
- unset vision to everyone.
Then you can move your peon. Don't move it until you unset vision to everyone, othewise they will see additional explored territory. But the main watcher's task is to be maximally invisible.
You should also type your place number for everybody while watching TVB, example: "5" (if you appeared on 5 on gow). Then your allies see that you informed away team where did you appear.
6. Move your peon from your starting point to a useless location. Use the most useless place you have near your starting point.
Sometimes watchers run away to their useless corner and build something there, just for fun. That feels normal usually while that corner is not visible for players, but i strongly don't recommend to build anything for beginning watchers.
Recommendations to create game
1. Make sure you are able to create the game: you need real ip with 6112 port properly forwarded to the world. Otherwise nobody can join your newly created game.
Important for newbies to be done once before you can host games.
2. Request an opponent and/or ally in the public chat or make sure there are enough players waiting for the new game. Suggest them the map you want to play.
Otherwise you will wait for somebody in your newly created game.
Usual maps on the server:
- Garden of War, speed even faster (ef), high resources, type: melee or top vs bottom.
- Garden of War BNE, speed fastest (f), high resources, type: melee or top vs bottom.
- Chop (different), speed fastest, type: top vs bottom, use map settings
Default speed/res for other maps: ef or f/high
3. Host the game yourself or use host bot if your connection doesn't support the game hosting.
4. Wait while others join your game.
- Balance teams while making TVB game to make it fair.
- Ask someone to be watcher if it's not possible to balance teams.
- Don't boot/ban people otherwise you know he disturbs these recommendations or the server rules and will ruin your game.
- Always try to explain people why do you dislike playing with them if you boot/ban.
5. Make sure everyone understood teams and watchers. Also make sure watcher knows how to watch.
6. Start the game then. _________________ War2Combat 3.05: (13 Mb)
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Last edited by ~iL on Wed Jul 16, 2014 12:29 am; edited 1 time in total
Tue Jul 15, 2014 2:34 am |

Joined: 05 Jun 2009
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recommendations and etiquette are not obligatory, so i treat it as sum kind of unnecessary savoir vivre and let the host decide.
Tue Jul 15, 2014 5:39 am |
Joined: 30 Dec 2006
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Originally posted by Lightbringer-
Too long. This list can be simplified to one thing in my opinion.
The watch rule and/or how to watch.
General etiquettes are covered in the main server rules and play rules are not really warranted? It is clear for me that the host of a game is the maker of his own rules for in game play and whom to ban.
A how to watch game on mousey's server would be great.
I agree that general etiquettes are clear for most people, including you and me.
The problem appears when i try to explain that to several more people here on the forum. They begin to ask about such kind of etiquette.
So, no etiquettes covered by the server rules, this one just an addition to rules.
The current culture on the server is not perfect, so need to improve it.
The only banning people could not be a good solution.
Furthermore, here are several more offers to discuss.
What to do with people attacking their allies, unpause the games paused by others, abusing the watcher rules, etc?
Need to decide together.
Soming soon: etiquette for game hosting.
Also requesting and replying SS could be added here as a link. _________________ War2Combat 3.05: (13 Mb)
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Tue Jul 15, 2014 5:43 am |
Joined: 30 Dec 2006
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Originally posted by cpt^Claw
recommendations and etiquette are not obligatory, so i treat it as sum kind of unnecessary savoir vivre and let the host decide.
Yes, here is a problem, they are not obligatory, but all of us like to play games not be ruined by newbs or freaks.
So, what to do?
Now you host a game, somebody ruin it by his stupidity or any harmful reason, then you call him "fucking imbesil", you're going with the ruined game and he continuing to ruin other games. Perfect? I don't think no. _________________ War2Combat 3.05: (13 Mb)
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Tue Jul 15, 2014 5:52 am |
Fast Luck

Joined: 11 Oct 2001
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depends lb, etiquette probably is against banning people from games for no reason _________________ i zero bagged your mother
Originally posted by Fast Luck
hassan-i-asher: majorin in takin pictures
dreamin bout wayne from catalina wine mixers
listen little friend stay outta the deep end
cuz you're less street than vampire weekend
Tue Jul 15, 2014 8:29 am |

Joined: 05 Jun 2009
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well obviously, the fucktard already introduced us to hitlerism 1.0 (protect the newbies! fight the trolls! which is the SAME excuse all the scum of the world use to fight the freedom. Protect the children! Fight the terrorists! Sound familiar?) and now he goes one step further.
il, drop it and fuck off already, youre going to make lots of enemies if you push this through and force players to act certain way. even retarded muslim lb agrees it should be self-regulating, so somethings up.
Tue Jul 15, 2014 8:52 am |
Fast Luck

Joined: 11 Oct 2001
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dont compare server rules/etiquette to the real world please, because having a laissez fair attitude works a lot better in the game than in the real world. libertarianism is a mental disorder _________________ i zero bagged your mother
Originally posted by Fast Luck
hassan-i-asher: majorin in takin pictures
dreamin bout wayne from catalina wine mixers
listen little friend stay outta the deep end
cuz you're less street than vampire weekend
Tue Jul 15, 2014 9:02 am |

Joined: 05 Jun 2009
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protect the newbies, fight the trolls, all for your own good.
oh, and while we're at it, obey 100214021041 pointless rules for the noble reason above ^
Tue Jul 15, 2014 9:09 am |
Joined: 22 Nov 2006
Posts: 3223
Originally posted by ~iL
What to do with people attacking their allies, unpause the games paused by others, abusing the watcher rules, etc?
Need to decide together.
None of these things are a big deal. You aren't helping anything with your silly rules
Tue Jul 15, 2014 10:55 am |

Joined: 16 Feb 2001
Posts: 2456
The only problem on the server is that there are douchebags like Swift. Swift is probably a 30% douchebag. 30% of the time you join a game he is in he is a prick. If he is hosting it is even worse.
That is the only problem with the server. New players should be directed how to watch. They should not be kicked. I mean you risk scaring a new player away, wrecking their evening, and just doing an overall douche thing no one would do in real life just to save possibly 5 minutes. _________________ I have hacks in my brain and I use them.
Tue Jul 15, 2014 11:26 am |
Joined: 14 Oct 2005
Posts: 230
Originally posted by 7VlesSiah
The only problem on the server is that there are douchebags like Swift. Swift is probably a 30% douchebag. 30% of the time you join a game he is in he is a prick. If he is hosting it is even worse.
That is the only problem with the server. New players should be directed how to watch. They should not be kicked. I mean you risk scaring a new player away, wrecking their evening, and just doing an overall douche thing no one would do in real life just to save possibly 5 minutes.
Using your own logic, you would qualify for a 100% douchebaggery tag. 100% of the time you are a douche in the game. It's even worse when you're hosting. Only Koorb would garner a higher default douchbaggery status than you. Under you would likely be PB or SPB if we're talkin hosting new player ban prowess. And definately PB if we're talkin just plain douchbaggieness.
Tue Jul 15, 2014 11:38 am |

Joined: 16 Feb 2001
Posts: 2456
? I talk shit in a game. I don't kick people from games. Big difference. If you ally me you better hold your weight. Also, if you hack you are going to get an earful from me. That is where you fail... Fucking hacking piece of shit. _________________ I have hacks in my brain and I use them.
Tue Jul 15, 2014 11:58 am |
Joined: 22 Nov 2006
Posts: 3223
And what you're doing, randomly yet purposefully bringing my name up for your example, what would you call that if not douchebaggery. but it's already pretty well know you are one yourself
Also, I'm typically only a dick to people like you. One thing about you though, you aren't good at war2, so listening to all your shit talking and constant delusions of superiority in the game makes me cringe.
Tue Jul 15, 2014 12:06 pm |

Joined: 16 Feb 2001
Posts: 2456
Hackers uniting, hackers uniting! Oh no!!!. Who'd have thought it? All we need is Mage to join you and lance. _________________ I have hacks in my brain and I use them.
Tue Jul 15, 2014 12:08 pm |
Joined: 22 Nov 2006
Posts: 3223
At least try to stay on subject, and not derail the thread. It makes it all the more funny that you go on to say the problem with war2 is douchebags and yet fail to realize that nobody would make a better example to illustrate your point than yourself. And you're proving it right now. As for hacking, fewer and fewer people who use to think I hacked still think that way. So, I'm not worried about it. It's all irrelevant to the thread, but if you ever think the only way I could 10-0 you is with hacks, I can always prove otherwise.
Tue Jul 15, 2014 12:22 pm |

Joined: 27 Feb 2003
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or - not reading any posts at all and hear me out on this one; don't be a doucher human being
just sayin' _________________ I am also a contradiction of my own lies
Tue Jul 15, 2014 1:48 pm |
Joined: 14 Oct 2005
Posts: 230
Originally posted by 7VlesSiah
? I talk shit in a game. I kick people from games. There is no difference. If you ally me and you lose, you will be banned next game. Also, if you hack you are going to get an earful from me even though I hack myself. That is where you are right... Fucking streaming piece of shit.
Tue Jul 15, 2014 4:10 pm |

Joined: 26 Mar 2010
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y'all need hugs.
Tue Jul 15, 2014 4:52 pm |
Joined: 30 Dec 2006
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Originally posted by Lightbringer-
Personally, I don't see the problem with people attacking their allies. People can just ban him from other games (regular gow game since everybody knows everybody). The only problem I see is in these newb chop games where people constantly smurf and BS.
Unpausing games for dodging sses is already banable. Unpausing when someone goes afk feeding his cat, meeting the milkman (hi ana ;-P) or jerking off (just as examples) is acceptable imho. You simply can't pause the game and afk for ages.
People unpausing just for being assholes can be banned by players themselves. It should be self-regulating I think.
Well, i agree with self-regulating for such questions, that's why these recommendations are not the part of rules with their penalties.
But, to make such self-regulation perfect, there need some kind of transparency as cpt^Claw suggested against hackers in the neighboring topic:
Originally posted by cpt^Claw
FREEDOM: as the game host, you can CHOOSE whether you want to keep/ban hackers (that you know are hackers, because account history is transparent). Same applies to shittalkers, niggers, homos, ripestickzorz and autistic newbies.
I think we can ban hackers and others described by the Rules,
but that be good idea to make transparency for effective self-regulation in less important questions, such unpausing just for being assholes, etc.
Also some of these recommendations have been designed for newbies mostly, to let them become a part of community and to save old players' temper. The problem is just how to squeeze newbies to read and understand that.
What is BS?
Originally posted by Lightbringer-
What you mean by abusing watcher rules??
I meant improper watching, when you build and attack while watching, or when you viz someone while watching.
My english is not perfect, sorry.
Originally posted by Lightbringer-
Besides not making racist/insulting game names, it should be fine?
Recommendations to create game added. _________________ War2Combat 3.05: (13 Mb)
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Wed Jul 16, 2014 12:59 am |
Joined: 30 Dec 2006
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Originally posted by Fast Luck
depends lb, etiquette probably is against banning people from games for no reason
Yes, it is.
And is against all the reasons for bans.
Just follow the etiquette and you mostly never be banned.
Originally posted by cpt^Claw
well obviously, the fucktard already introduced us to hitlerism 1.0 (protect the newbies! fight the trolls! which is the SAME excuse all the scum of the world use to fight the freedom. Protect the children! Fight the terrorists! Sound familiar?) and now he goes one step further.
Contrary. These recommendations should work against irresponsible newbs. I thought about that after our conversations: "HOWEVER, (this is important!) if a newbie declared he can watch and then he fucks up, he should also be punished. "
I told berofe: don't offence newbs!
And I tell now: But don't let newbies to fuck up their declarations also.
Where did you find hitlerism 1.0 in these recommendations? _________________ War2Combat 3.05: (13 Mb)
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Wed Jul 16, 2014 1:23 am |

Joined: 05 Jun 2009
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nowhere. The new server rules are hitlerism 1.0, i thought you were going to enforce rules from this thread and it would be hitlerism 2.0. TBH i still have no idea whether you want to make this 'unofficial nice guy codex' or part of the rules (banable) or w/e
Wed Jul 16, 2014 2:04 am |
Joined: 30 Dec 2006
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Originally posted by cpt^Claw
nowhere. The new server rules are hitlerism 1.0, i thought you were going to enforce rules from this thread and it would be hitlerism 2.0. TBH i still have no idea whether you want to make this 'unofficial nice guy codex' or part of the rules (banable) or w/e
No, i didn't plan to enforce rules, just to make rules more fair for everyone.
This is not part of rules: these recommendations being mostly obvious for normal people couldn't be formalized.
So, that's rather the "unofficial nice guy codex", as you said.
It's possible to move some of that recommendations to the rules, with some punishment appointment, e.g. for building and attacking while one declared watching as you said.
I also think about to make excessive violators little more transparent: some kind of SS or comments associated to each such person: to let everyone know that he attacks his allies or boots others while hosting games, or w/e.
Then everybody will know what does this guy do and they'l have a freedom to select if to play with him or no. _________________ War2Combat 3.05: (13 Mb)
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Wed Jul 16, 2014 5:13 am |

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Then everybody will know what does this guy do and they'l have a freedom to select if to play with him or no.
sticky, official post with all the crimes and evidence
1. we'll be able to understand the rules better
2. we'll know whos good people and whos a villain
Wed Jul 16, 2014 5:42 am |

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Originally posted by woofy
y'all need hugs.
and jesus _________________ I am also a contradiction of my own lies
Wed Jul 16, 2014 1:19 pm |

Joined: 26 Mar 2010
Posts: 463
Originally posted by Sparkz102
Originally posted by woofy
y'all need hugs.
and jesus
true, if you believe in fairy-tales
Wed Jul 16, 2014 4:19 pm |

Joined: 12 Aug 2010
Posts: 1369
iL use the game banning for hackers, watchers playing, etc. They cannot create or join depending on the ban, you can also just ban them from ladder games.
[1+]/set ${1-} Record\W2BN\0\wins 1000
[1+]/set ${1-} BNET\fakeclienttag SEXP
[1+]/set ${1-} BNET\flags\initial 0
[1+]/set ${1-} BNET\fakeclienttag SSHR
[1+]/set ${1-} BNET\flags\initial 0
[1+]/set ${1-} BNET\auth\createnormalgame false
[1+]/set ${1-} BNET\auth\joinnormalgame false
[1+]/set ${1-} BNET\auth\createladdergame false
[1+]/set ${1-} BNET\auth\joinladdergame false
[1+]/set ${1-} BNET\auth\createnormalgame true
[1+]/set ${1-} BNET\auth\joinnormalgame true
[1+]/set ${1-} BNET\auth\createladdergame true
[1+]/set ${1-} BNET\auth\joinladdergame true
You need to be admin to use these commands. You can also set them with these account flags. I added to alias so typing all that over and over is easy. So after this is pasted to the alias.txt you can now use the command on server. For example //gameban Tupac now I am banned for hosting or joining. We could also use this with a little tweaking to gameban a ip. So instead of hacker getting ip banned he can only chat. Lock accounts and you have a better banning method to use depending on their violations.
Wed Jul 16, 2014 6:46 pm |

Joined: 12 Aug 2010
Posts: 1369
Something funny we can do also is to write in people's profile and lock it so they can't change. Example: Hacker be aware, didn't post ss, spammer, pedophile = smurf_king.
Wed Jul 16, 2014 6:50 pm |
Joined: 07 Mar 2009
Posts: 4366
yeah that would be funny _________________
Wed Jul 16, 2014 7:58 pm |