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Joined: 30 Dec 2006
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Server Rules are Now in Effect
Well, I think about to start the new rules for server soon.
Server Rules:
Ignorance of the rules is not an excuse for violating them.
The account owner is responsible for any actions committed by an account, regardless of who committed the action under this account.
Having your password stolen could be a reason to avoid the sanctions once for known persons who can prove his/her account ownership.
Cheating and server-hacking attempts are prohibited.
for the 1st time and repeated offenses: from a temporary ban to a permanent ban depending on the kind of cheating/hacking.
If someone requests a screenshot, one must be provided as soon as the game ends.
Details about screenshots:
warning for the 1st time, 1 week ban for repeating the offense once, permanent ban for repeated violation.
Acts of religious, racial, sexual and other intolerance and/or discrimination are prohibited.
warning for the 1st time, 1 week ban for repeating the offense once, permanent ban for repeated violation.
To offend the dignity of others by using swear words, put-downs, and other statements against them, in any language, is prohibited, except for friendly trash talk.
This includes chat messages, the user name and game names, personal communications, mail, etc. This includes "disguised swear words" - with the substitution of letters, etc., for offensive purposes.
The purpose of this rule is to protect new and casual players from being offended.
warning for the first time, 1 day ban for second offense, 1 week ban for the third offense, permanent ban for the fourth offense.
Inciting server users to breach the server rules is prohibited.
warning for the 1st time, 1 week ban for repeating, permanent ban for more repeating.
Framing, intentional defaming or baseless accusations against server users is prohibited.
warning for the 1st time, 1 week ban for repeating, permanent ban for more repeating.
Any statements or other actions that violate any applicable laws or regulations are prohibited.
warning for the 1st time, 1 week ban for repeating, permanent ban for more repeating.
Using similar or same nicks of other players with the intent of impersonating them is prohibited.
warning for the 1-st time, deleting the similar accounts for repeating, 1 week ban for repeating, permanent ban for more repeating.
Using clan tags or imitation of clan tags in usernames is prohibited for non clan members.
warning for the 1st time, deleting the similar accounts for repeating, 1 week ban for repeating, permanent ban for more repeating.
Spam is prohibited.
for the 1st time and repeated: from warning to a permanent ban depending on the kind of spamming.
The penalties provided for these Rules violation:
- Warning
- A temporary ban
- Delete an account
- Permanent ban
Penalties apply to all accounts of the violating person.
Penalties can be amplified in the case of repeated violation.
Repeated violation before the ban-time expires (if the offender was able to circumvent the ban) may also amplify the penalty.
Penalties could also be reduced after remorse at the discretion of server administrators. _________________ War2Combat 3.05: (13 Mb)
War2 MapEditor 1.02: (3,6 Mb)
Last edited by ~iL on Mon Jul 28, 2014 2:01 am; edited 6 times in total
Thu Jul 10, 2014 2:55 pm |
Fast Luck

Joined: 11 Oct 2001
Posts: 22805
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The phrase is "ignorance of the rules" for rule 1. I thought I'd already told you that one.
For rule 3, what kind of cheating or server hacking would only get a warning? That's kind of hard to imagine.
For rule #6, you need the word "to" in front. "To offend the dignity... is prohibited." _________________ i zero bagged your mother
Originally posted by Fast Luck
hassan-i-asher: majorin in takin pictures
dreamin bout wayne from catalina wine mixers
listen little friend stay outta the deep end
cuz you're less street than vampire weekend
Thu Jul 10, 2014 3:15 pm |

Joined: 05 Jun 2009
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we need a native speaking person to polish these, then i shall analyze them!
Thu Jul 10, 2014 3:44 pm |

Joined: 12 Aug 2010
Posts: 1369
well this sucks
Thu Jul 10, 2014 4:07 pm |

Joined: 05 Jun 2009
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of course its understandable, but they'll have to be fixed anyway, so ima wait for the sexy version for own convenience. Sometimes its a lil bit hard to understand, so im losing the train of thoughts n shit
Thu Jul 10, 2014 4:12 pm |
Joined: 09 Mar 2003
Posts: 7716
Re: Draft server rules
Originally posted by ~iL
Well, I think about to start the new rules for server soon.
Server Rules:
Ignorance of the rules is not an excuse for violating them.
The account owner is responsible for any actions committed by an account, regardless of who committed the action under this account.
Having your password stolen could be a reason to avoid the sanctions once for known persons who can prove his/her account ownership.
Cheating and server-hacking attempts are prohibited.
for the 1st time and repeated offenses: from a temporary ban to a permanent ban depending on the kind of cheating/hacking.
If someone requests a screenshot, one must be provided as soon as the game ends.
Details about screenshots:
warning for the 1st time, 1 week ban for repeating the offense once, permanent ban for repeated violation.
Offensive language of a religious, racial, or sexual nature are prohibited.
warning for the 1st time, 1 week ban for repeating the offense once, permanent ban for repeated violation.
To offend the dignity of others by using swear words, put-downs, and other statements against them, in any language, is prohibited, except for friendly trash talk.
This includes chat messages, the user name and game names, personal communications, mail, etc. This includes "disguised swear words" - with the substitution of letters, etc., for offensive purposes.
The purpose of this rule is to protect new and casual players from being offended.
warning for the first time, 1 day ban for second offense, 1 week ban for the third offense, permanent ban for the fourth offense.
Inciting server users to breach the server rules is prohibited.
warning for the 1st time, 1 week ban for repeating, permanent ban for more repeating.
Framing, intentional defaming or baseless accusations against server users is prohibited.
warning for the 1st time, 1 week ban for repeating, permanent ban for more repeating.
Using similar or same nicks of other players with the intent of impersonating them is prohibited.
warning for the 1-st time, deleting the similar accounts for repeating, 1 week ban for repeating, permanent ban for more repeating.
Using clan tags or imitation of clan tags in usernames is prohibited for non clan members.
warning for the 1st time, deleting the similar accounts for repeating, 1 week ban for repeating, permanent ban for more repeating.
Spam is prohibited.
for the 1st time and repeated: from warning to a permanent ban depending on the kind of spamming.
The penalties provided for these Rules violation:
- Warning
- A temporary ban
- Delete an account
- Permanent ban
Penalties apply to all accounts of the violating person.
Penalties can be amplified in the case of repeated violation.
Repeated violation before the ban-time expires (if the offender was able to circumvent the ban) may also amplify the penalty.
Penalties could also be reduced after remorse at the discretion of server administrators.
i cleaned it up some...still needs work to make the structure of how the penalties are laid out consistent but i'm too lazy to do that _________________
Originally posted by smurf_king
i rather be a pedophile than a homo
Thu Jul 10, 2014 5:08 pm |
Joined: 14 Oct 2005
Posts: 230
Given the low population of the server, I do not believe banning a potential player is really a viable option. My own self imposed sanctions seem to make the most sense. Simply have them stream all of their games on twitch and if they are found not streaming, I guess there wouldnt be any choice left over but to ban them. That is what I do because many people like to say I hack. I did not hack as much as people like to think although I had no way to show that at the time. With streaming, I am armed with fairly decent evidence that I will rape you fair and square. When some clown like Koorb or Jordan claim I hack, I simply point them to my stream to prove otherwise. It's a decent modern way to not only deter hacking, but use them as a means to gain more population since streaming will make the game more visible to new players.
It's not to difficult to put together a streaming how-to video. It really isnt all that difficult if you're being forced to do it. It's not easy for normal joes with shitty connections, but it's not impossible either. It may make their games slow or laggy, but it's better than banning them imo. A decent war2 stream only takes about 384K upstream and war2 only needs 8-16K upstream. Most modern DSL connections have at least 512K upstream, most cables have at least 1.5MBit upstream. The requirements of a low end stream are not enough to degrade the latency to the point of unplayableness. The quality of the stream doesnt need to be superior like mine, but enough to show they are playing fair.
Last edited by test on Fri Jul 11, 2014 12:36 am; edited 1 time in total
Fri Jul 11, 2014 12:24 am |

Joined: 05 Jun 2009
Posts: 2590
Location: War2 Council |
thats a reasonable attitude
who knows, maybe people will stop perceiving you as a hacking scrub one day
I did not hack as much as people like to think
thats what everybody says about themselves when caught hacking, let your actions/replays speak for yourself!
Fri Jul 11, 2014 12:35 am |
Joined: 14 Oct 2005
Posts: 230
Originally posted by cpt^Claw
thats what everybody says about themselves when caught hacking, let your actions/replays speak for yourself!
Agreeable. This is how twitch is beneficial.
Fri Jul 11, 2014 12:37 am |
Joined: 30 Dec 2006
Posts: 434
Location: Russia, Moscow |
Re: Draft server rules
Originally posted by foonat
i cleaned it up some...still needs work to make the structure of how the penalties are laid out consistent but i'm too lazy to do that
Foonat, thanks a lot, I compared that, your text is much better. Even me as no native speaking person see that.
Copied your text as the 1st post here.
Why did you keep my text for penalties 7-11? Should i change them by your template as for rules 4-6 or leave as is?
What structure do you mean?
Do you think current penalties are not clean? _________________ War2Combat 3.05: (13 Mb)
War2 MapEditor 1.02: (3,6 Mb)
Fri Jul 11, 2014 12:40 am |
Joined: 30 Dec 2006
Posts: 434
Location: Russia, Moscow |
Originally posted by test
Given the low population of the server, I do not believe banning a potential player is really a viable option. My own self imposed sanctions seem to make the most sense. Simply have them stream all of their games on twitch and if they are found not streaming, I guess there wouldnt be any choice left over but to ban them.
That makes sense. Not sure to make it necessarily for everyone, but it's a good way to prove fair playing. Anyways, need to make some kind of autostreaming software to keep people far from make it manually. It's not possible to even forward ports for most people, streaming could be also difficult. _________________ War2Combat 3.05: (13 Mb)
War2 MapEditor 1.02: (3,6 Mb)
Fri Jul 11, 2014 12:59 am |
Joined: 14 Oct 2005
Posts: 230
Originally posted by Lightbringer-
I cannot stream with a download of 1mbit and upload of 512kb...
Yes you can, I will be making a video to show you how to do it on a 384K/384K connection with no latency loss and decent video quality. It wont be perfect like my streams, but it's not going to be a bunch of blocks running around either.
Fri Jul 11, 2014 2:18 am |
Joined: 14 Oct 2005
Posts: 230
| <-- Getting OBS setup to play war2 The audio in this one is terrible, but the audio in the 2nd one is better. When I have time, I'll just redo the process so that the audio doesnt cut out and combine the two videos into 1. <-- Explains how to setup War2 within OBS and a little bit about hotkeys with Scenes and Sources to mimic what I do when I play war2 which is to switch between a splash screen and the game itself. I switch to a splash screen when logging in or alt-tab'ing to the desktop via a hotkey. I use page up/down.
I am not a professional commentator, but here it is. Feel free to make a better commentated video. This video shows how to get OBS setup so that you can stream through twitch. It shows ALL of the settings that I use personally if you happen to have a 4MBit+ connection. I also show what you should be using for a 384K connection as well. It also shows where to get the missing file that people have been hunting for all over the place in order to get this to work.
One thing I forgot to mention in the video is that only the 32Bit Version of OBS can be used. DO NOT use the 64bit version because the uscreencapture lib is not compatible with the 64bit version. Everything has to be 32bit, even if you are on Win7 64bit which is what I used in the video itself.
The links I spoke about in the video are here:
Requirements for Windows 7 64bit:
UScreenCapture Remove Mouse (No longer available online except in my file)
UScreenCapture Registry file ( <--- This file has everything you need for streaming war2 on Win7 64bit.
So as you can see it's not as easy as DL'ing something and button mashing until it's installed. But it's not difficult either, it's just time consuming. It'll take about 15-20 mins to get it running. If ~il can ever reproduce the installer mechanism that I had in the installer, that 15-20 mins will be cut down to literally seconds. My installer even setup OBS with a default scene and source with default settings for a 384K connection. Thats a bit advanced, but it's all doable. If someone still has the installer, he could analyze it with any installation sandbox monitor and see exactly what it does.
Fri Jul 11, 2014 5:15 am |
Joined: 28 Sep 2000
Posts: 3587
Location: penis |
I'm ready to switch servers, Lance fire up yours or give it to someone in US to fire it up like mouse Toffy. This sounds Like Communist Stalin , I ask for a SS every game, I guess I will be responsible for the server being banned .This isn't going to help the server. This guy has too much time on his hands. No foul language? What kind of EMO faggot are you
Fri Jul 11, 2014 1:13 pm |

Joined: 22 Oct 2007
Posts: 4005
Location: Savannah, GA |
Originally posted by Paper_Boy
I'm ready to switch servers, Lance fire up yours or give it to someone in US to fire it up like mouse Toffy. This sounds Like Communist Stalin ,
I ask for a SS every game, I guess I will be responsible for the server being banned
.This isn't going to help the server. This guy has too much time on his hands. No foul language? What kind of EMO faggot are you
i can see that happening _________________
<----------- WAR2 TRAINING VIDEOS ----------->
Fri Jul 11, 2014 9:55 pm |
Fast Luck

Joined: 11 Oct 2001
Posts: 22805
Location: Penis |
Screenshot Request Abuse
Excessive requesting of screenshots from other players to be petty and inconvenience other players will not be tolerated. _________________ i zero bagged your mother
Originally posted by Fast Luck
hassan-i-asher: majorin in takin pictures
dreamin bout wayne from catalina wine mixers
listen little friend stay outta the deep end
cuz you're less street than vampire weekend
Fri Jul 11, 2014 9:58 pm |

Joined: 05 Jun 2009
Posts: 2590
Location: War2 Council |
Originally posted by test <-- Getting OBS setup to play war2 The audio in this one is terrible, but the audio in the 2nd one is better. When I have time, I'll just redo the process so that the audio doesnt cut out and combine the two videos into 1. <-- Explains how to setup War2 within OBS and a little bit about hotkeys with Scenes and Sources to mimic what I do when I play war2 which is to switch between a splash screen and the game itself. I switch to a splash screen when logging in or alt-tab'ing to the desktop via a hotkey. I use page up/down.
I am not a professional commentator, but here it is. Feel free to make a better commentated video. This video shows how to get OBS setup so that you can stream through twitch. It shows ALL of the settings that I use personally if you happen to have a 4MBit+ connection. I also show what you should be using for a 384K connection as well. It also shows where to get the missing file that people have been hunting for all over the place in order to get this to work.
One thing I forgot to mention in the video is that only the 32Bit Version of OBS can be used. DO NOT use the 64bit version because the uscreencapture lib is not compatible with the 64bit version. Everything has to be 32bit, even if you are on Win7 64bit which is what I used in the video itself.
The links I spoke about in the video are here:
Requirements for Windows 7 64bit:
UScreenCapture Remove Mouse (No longer available online except in my file)
UScreenCapture Registry file ( <--- This file has everything you need for streaming war2 on Win7 64bit.
So as you can see it's not as easy as DL'ing something and button mashing until it's installed. But it's not difficult either, it's just time consuming. It'll take about 15-20 mins to get it running. If ~il can ever reproduce the installer mechanism that I had in the installer, that 15-20 mins will be cut down to literally seconds. My installer even setup OBS with a default scene and source with default settings for a 384K connection. Thats a bit advanced, but it's all doable. If someone still has the installer, he could analyze it with any installation sandbox monitor and see exactly what it does.
thanks, ima check this out.
BTW: am i the only one who doubts in lances transformation? I think the only reason he's all obsessed with streaming now is because he discovered a way to stream the view from one screen and have his maphacks on the other but its just me.
all hail the nice-guy, transparent lance!
Sat Jul 12, 2014 2:06 am |

Joined: 12 Aug 2010
Posts: 1369
Wow really speaking of rules. But yet smurf_bitch, has a sticky thread with his child port in it. Delete that nasty shit. Thread is called don't click here.
Sat Jul 12, 2014 7:41 pm |

Joined: 12 Aug 2010
Posts: 1369
Delete his pedo thread and sticky this one duh!!!
Sat Jul 12, 2014 7:43 pm |
Joined: 27 Feb 2009
Posts: 249
i log on today for a game and there was 4 players on, and you want to permanently ban people for offensive language? Just shut down the server and call it good.
Sun Jul 13, 2014 3:56 pm |
Joined: 28 Sep 2000
Posts: 3587
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Seriously the server is really dead already and this idiot thinks he's gonna make the server more active by alienating the core player base. All in the hopes of impressing a couple of random newbies who may stumble upon the server , take years to develop and happen to be emotionally sensitive. These war2 commandments are a joke and will never be enforced fairly. I used a screen capture program for two days of war2 and documented over 20 cases of offensive language. I want to file a report vs these 20 players so they can be banned in the hopes of impressing a newb with a steep learning curve to stick with it . I left sc2 just the other day after someone called me a ginger fucking faggot, scared 4 life... Il is brain washed he is acting in the same pathetic manner as putin. No free speech breeds injustice , stupid Russian communist
Sun Jul 13, 2014 5:10 pm |
Joined: 07 Mar 2009
Posts: 4366
ban paperboy _________________
Sun Jul 13, 2014 9:23 pm |
Joined: 07 Mar 2009
Posts: 4366
lol stupid blid removes my post instead of unsticking that useless thread _________________
Sun Jul 13, 2014 9:27 pm |

Joined: 12 Aug 2010
Posts: 1369
gtfo pedo you sick fucking bastard i seen that thread you anime pedo.
Sun Jul 13, 2014 11:11 pm |