
Joined: 15 Sep 2000
Posts: 4062
Location: salt lake city |
i dont play any other games besides hearthstone right now. im rank 4 on the ladder, trying to get to legendary for the 1st non beta season!
my main decks are watcher druid, miracle rogue, and aggro hunter. I only really play these 3 archetypes, but I tinker with the deck and choose a different deck based on what I'm facing a lot of on that particular day/week
right now I think the most reliable deck I have is the watcher druid, has a good chance to beat any aggro decks, and can threaten warrior control and handlock decks. The miracle deck is pretty good against aggro, as you use the backstabs and si7 agents to efficiently take out small minions while still playing a minion of your own, giving great tempo. But the miracle deck gets wrecked by control decks that dont play minions. Against control you're forced to draw into the Leeroy finishing combo before they can stabilize/heal. the aggro hunter is the fastest, does fairly well against other aggro decks, but gets absolutely murdered by control decks.
hearthstone could use some new cards, but the higher you get up in ranks, the more interesting the meta is. The lower ranks are such a scattershot of decks and playstyles that there isn't really an interesting "play against the meta" element, you just get good with a solid deck and cruise your way up the ladder. But around rank 10 or so, you start to only face archetype decks, where you can more accurately predict what cards they are running and more accurately predict what they might do.
The shitty thing though, is after rank 6 there are no more bonus stars! so going from 5-Legendary is a fucking grind.