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Nedro's Maps
The maps found on this page were all made by Nedro who has "lots of time on his hands" :). The following are screenshots and short descriptions of the maps. Please don't ask how he names his maps, I'm really not sure. After seeing maps like the one called 'Dirty Passages' I think it's better left unsaid. You can download all of these maps right here (341 kb).

A small 5 player map that is hard to wallin on. Mostly a rushing map, unless you know the narrow parts of the map so you can wallin. This would make a very interesting FFA map.
Boardwalk Express
Boardwalk Express
A big 4 player map. Lots of room to work here, yet none of the starting spots can wallin because of the roads. This would be an interesting 2 on 2 map.
Charlie's Choice
Charlie's Choice
A 4 player map where you and your ally share the same island. There isn't much room to navigate your units between you and the enemies base, so there is a lot of micro involved.

Chop Suey
Chop Suey
An interesting map where you and your ally have to chop 2 trees to get out to your first mines. Not much gold makes for an interesting game.
Dirty Passages
Dirty Passages
A 6 player map with very thin lines of trees throughout. Many options are available on this map with lots of backdoor mage attacks being possible.
An interesting 8 player map where you start relatively close to the other starting positions. This is an all out land war.

A 5 player water map. Some of the expansions can be hopped to from certain spots. But juggs can hit all the peon lines and rule this map.
First One Back
First One Back
A neat little 4 player map where you have to get out of a little maze at the start in order to build the first Hall. A fun map to play.
Green Acres
Green Acres
Lots of gold and not much lumber. Narrow paths make this an all out ogre and mage war.

I Am Monster
I Am Monster
One path to the enemy and only limited wood to work with. I haven't played it so you would have to try to see what happens...
Isle Hopping
Isle Hopping
A strange 4 player map where juggs rule the outside islands, and mages rule the inside. Again, limited lumber to work with.
Karate Kid
Karate Kid
On map default you start with a peon and a sapper here. This makes it an interesting 1v1, 2v2, or ffa map.

Kimmy Gibler
Kimmy Gibler
The strangest map you will ever play, seriously. A 5 player map where you all start at 5 different locations on the map. You'd have to play it to believe it. It makes for very crazy games.
Your typical big land map. I think I used this map for the map of the week early on in this pages life...
Another very cool land map with lots of variety. Many things are possible and they change with different starting positions.

Mental Hospital
Mental Hospital
A 4 player map where each player has the option of hopping to the middle island, to expand and rescue the mage tower that is there.
Micro Machines
Micro Machines
A 4 unit vs 4 unit matchup. Each player gets a deathknight, mage, sapper, knight, and 11500 gold to upgrade what they think they need.
Mr Bean
Mr. Bean
Another big land map with a hopping expansion available in the top left. Easy navigation allows for large battles.

Party at Midnight
Party at Midnight
A mini-version of maze, except that every mine is a starting location. Watch your back for offensive towering and catting.
The Goonies
The Goonies
A very strange land map with very unique starting locations. Anyone who has played this map before has a definite advantage.
Tides of Darkness
Tides of Darkness
A cool map simply because it's named after an old team of mine :P. A fight for the center isle usually occurs on here.

A very neat 1 on 1 map with a few ways to win. You can get across the map by the narrow piece of land or by hopping the water.
Two Ways Around
Two Ways Around
A very cool 1 on 1 map that looks like it should of been included with the retail version of War2. It plays similar to SkirmishBNE except you can wallin here...
This map is all out chaos right from the start, whether you play it 1v1, 2v2 or as a free for all. Fun to play.

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